Flipover Travel Cover-Need it or not?

  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Looking to get a one-man flip-over for when it’s just me. Is a cover (at around $50) necessary? I don’t own an ATV so I’ll be pulling the sled by hand. Are the travel covers needed or just nice to have?

    South central, mn
    Posts: 137

    By hand……not needed. Towing with anything…..100% have to have!!

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    That’s what I was thinking. Thanks!

    Posts: 7348

    I’d actually say to have it rather than not. Some of those snowy, sleety, etc days can put alot of crap in the sled, and make all the gear snowy/icy etc.

    Especially those windy days too, with a cover I’m not constantly looking back making sure nothing is blowing out.

    Posts: 5139

    It’s also very nice to be able to throw the cover on and toss it in the back of the truck without worrying stuff will fly out and keeps it free from road gunk. Or to just put it on during storage to keep it clean.

    Posts: 191

    I agree with Competitor, it’s a must if you tow with it, but by hand it’s not necessary. One year on red, my friends were towing there house without a cover, and there was standing water on the ice. Let’s just say we emptied 5 inches from the bottom of the sled every time we moved.

    Posts: 50

    For $50 it’s well worth it for all the reasons mentioned here. If you ever do get a snowmobile or ATV you’ll definitely need it.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I take mine off when pulling it by hand if that says anything. Unless it’s snowing.

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    Get it….

    Posts: 2123


    Even if you are pulling by hand and its snowing or raining, it’s nice to have everything dry.

    Posts: 1806

    I’d rather spend the $50 on beer toast

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Also a plus for keeping everything in it, nothing more annoying than having to stop and go pick up stuff that bounced out. Usually not a problem by yourself, but with someone else’s gear too.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I use mine on every trip if the walk is more than 100’…On small ponds around the house, I don’t bother. Towing? 100% need to have it.

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