flip overs or pop ups zippers

  • rayc
    ontario, canada, sault ste. marie
    Posts: 52

    What do you all do with zippers that are frosted or frozen. Im on the ice this morning after fishing all day yesterday, +2 F and shi? how do i get into my flipover, the zipper is frosted and frozen. Climbed back under and set it up , got the heater going and thawed out the zipper. That was only good while the heater was going. Shut it down and the zipper started freezing up again. Any suggestions, wd 40, silcone spray?? HELP PLEASE?

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    I use silicon spray. Works well enough but I also stopped zipping the bottom horizontal portion of the Clam door. That part tends to collect water and freeze there so now I avoid zipping and unzipping that portion.

    State Center, Iowa
    Posts: 330

    Silicon, wd-40, pam yes will help. I don’t zip bottom either. I just lift the lid.

    Posts: 29

    Wd-40 was actually made as a water dispersant. Formula number 40 if I remember right lol

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