Flasher interference

  • crappie55369
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Currently own a marcum LX5 which I like but I’ve decided my next unit will not be a marcum but instead a vexilar. My brother has been getting into ice fishing more and he needs a unit. I’m considering buying either a fl-18 or fl-20 and letting him use the LX5 until it breaks and he can then get a vex of his own. I haven’t fished next to a vex in a while but I thought I remember they didn’t play nicely. Has this interference issue improved? Will we have many problems fishing in a hub next to each other?

    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    You can tune it out pretty easy. I have ran a vex and marcum in the same hole no problem.

    Posts: 24581

    In my experience you are going to have lots of issues running a vex with an lx5. I wish you the best but I doubt it is going to be without a lot of issues. Maybe just use the lx5 in wide cone mode and cover all holes?

    Posts: 2014

    Go Humminbird helix 7 and never look back !

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    No matter the brand, one use narrow and one use wide beam. If it’s an FL8 you are fishing near, move to the other side of the lake.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22030

    As long as it’s a newer valexilar you shouldn’t have any issues. I run my garmin, lx5, flx12, and 28 all in the same shack at times. Just need a little ir tune and you’ll be golden

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12446

    I run an FL-18 and fish with buddies that have Marcums and Birds and have no issues. My old Fl-8 would though. I got a Garmin now too, so pretty excited to get that on the ice and utilize the (hopefully more accurate than the Navionics app) GPS.

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