Flasher Compatibility

  • kylerk
    Willmar, MN
    Posts: 23

    I currently have a Vexilar FL8SE that I got as a gift last year. I have no plans to upgrade as of now. My Dad is wanting to buy a flasher and he only fishes with me. So my question is what should he get in order to lessen interference or is this possible. My guess is that he is wanting to spend around 300-400. Thank you for any input.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    If you guys plan to fish very close to each other, a flasher with interference rejection will be preferred. Also, a transducer with a smaller cone (say 9-12 deg) will also help a lot.

    Not going to get into brand wars.

    Willmar, MN
    Posts: 23

    Thank you Biggill for the response. That is what I have picked up from reading previous threads. If the the new flasher has interference rejection will that still effect my Vexilar or will that make them compatible fishing in the same shack? Thanks for input!!

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I THINK that interference rejection on one should help eliminate interference on the other. This is most likely true if they are both vex’s.

    I think that vex changes the ping rate so that the pings are being sent at different intervals. Basically a different frequency. You’ll almost always have some small amount of interference, but it should still be manageable. I’ve really found that the smaller cone is more effective at getting a clearer signal and filtering out other units.

    May even want to consider a unit with a dual beam ducer. You can use the 9 deg when fishing together and the 20 deg when alone.

    Kent Tau
    Posts: 205

    I haven’t been around a fl8 but the fl18 and flx28 works fairly well together. Flx28 and lx7 have no interference issues. I would assume the newer units works better together. I’ve been meaning to do an review on these units working together but every time I go out I end up fishing too much I forget. There isn’t much review found on youtube or forum’s because not everyone owns all the units

    chris blomquist
    Posts: 5

    I would stick with the same brands. If you have a vex have your dad get a vex. The problem is power output. Marcum puts out 2500 watts and the vex puts out 400w on your model. Both great apart – far apart. Vex has a much more sensitive receiver to deal with the lower power it transmits. So when fished by something putting out high power; it gets crushed. Marcum put out a lot of power and has a less sensitive receiver so it is not bothered by a vex.
    In addition to the narrow cone the depth and bottom structure affect interference. Shallow over mud is not bad. Deep over rock is terrible.
    I own an lx-5 and a fl-8.

    Posts: 1250

    Tell him to buy a LX-3 or VX-1, I can fish side-by-side with my buddy who has a fl8… in the same hole if you want to, they work together, you just have to switch IR levels and imo I would stay with a marcum if i were him!

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Vex to Vex probably makes more sense. If you want 0 interference between it and another unit I guess since Humminbird runs on a different Frequency you could consider that too

    Posts: 655

    Humminbird 45. Humminbird uses a different frequency preventing unit to unit interference with other brands. The 45 is a nice unit, the 35 loses to the vx-1 pro IMO.

    Posts: 655

    My vx-1 pro wrecks havoc on vexilars from the 8 to the 28… not sure how others haven’t had the issue, and that’s using all levels of IR.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Even two LX-5’s fishing close have to be adjusted. Just did it last weekend.

    Willmar, MN
    Posts: 23

    So if I am understanding this correctly my best bet would be to go with a similar Vex or a Hummingbird for best results?? I understand that there will need to be some adjustment on the ice but getting tired of trying to fish 2 people with one Flasher… I do like the Marcums but I am gathering they are the least compatible with other brands when fishing close together. Not trying to create a brand debates just trying to get a better understanding. I appreciate all of your input.

    Posts: 493

    My experience has been vex on vex issue. One of the screens never gets cleared up… My lx7 Marcum plays well with my lowrance hds5, both those play well with vex fl18, fl22, fl12. The 22 next to the 18 wasn’t good.

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Bird would be safest due to different frequency. Older Vex’s have trouble due to less levels of IR

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