My wife asked me why the flags were at Half-staff in Minnesota a few days ago. I had noticed it as well but had no idea. After doing some research I found out it was for Chief Jason Gruett, a firefighter from Goodview. Doing a little more research I found that the flags were ordered to be at half-staff 5 time in the last 4 months. In addition to the recent firefighter, the others were for 2 police officers ( St. Paul and Red Lake ) a boarder patrol agent, and President Jimmy Carter. The length of time ranged from a month to 1 day. As much respect as I have for Police officers, Boarder patrol, and firefighters. I’m not sure the death of each deserves the honor of flags at half staff. From my research some of these deaths were not even in the line of duty. I always thought the honor of flags being flown at half-staff was reserved for Major events or deaths. Who decides what deaths or events warrant the honor? Has the honor lessened over time? or has these types of events always Warranted the honor? Just curious of others thought on the situation.
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Flags at half – staff / half-mast in Minnesota
Posts: 251March 19, 2025 at 9:49 am #2324874I am signed up for email notices when flags are to be at half staff. Example of what I receive below. It is always at the order of the governor.
March 14, 2025
Contact: Ellie Anderson
612-594-1721Governor Walz Orders Flags at Half-Staff to Honor Minnesota Fire Chief Jason Gruett
[ST. PAUL, MN] – Governor Tim Walz has ordered all United States and Minnesota flags to fly at half-staff at all state buildings in the State of Minnesota from sunrise on Saturday, March 15, 2025, to Sunset on Thursday, March 20, 2025, in honor and remembrance of Fire Chief Jason Gruett. Chief Gruett died on March 12, 2025.“Chief Jason Gruett was a deeply respected leader and dedicated firefighter who selflessly served his community for nearly two decades,” said Governor Walz. “Chief Gruett’s kindness, generosity, and commitment to service impacted countless lives. Minnesota mourns this tragic loss, and I extend my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.”
Confidential help and crisis support is available over the phone or online anytime for any firefighter and/or their family through the MnFIRE Assistance Program (MAP). Any member of a firefighter’s household, including children living away from home, can access the MAP by visiting and entering access code MnFIRE, or calling 1-888-784-6634. Phone lines are answered 24/7 and provide confidential support, guidance, and mental health resources.
Individuals, businesses, and other organizations are also encouraged to join in lowering their flags.
A copy of the Governor’s proclamation can be found here.
OG Net_Man
Posts: 876March 19, 2025 at 9:51 am #2324876I see notices that state Governor Walz has ordered the flags at half staff.
I guess that I was too slow to hit submit my reply….
March 19, 2025 at 9:56 am #2324881I knew the order was issued by the governors office. I just didn’t know if it was he alone who made the decision or a panel from the office that made the decision.
I could not even find the cause of death for this most recent one. From reading most the new articles, I have a good guess but not totally sure so I did not mention the cause of death.March 19, 2025 at 10:08 am #2324883It’s a difficult, emotional topic for many. Valuing one life over another or differentiating who deserves this special honor in comparison to another is an inexact science. I can see both sides of the arguments often presented, but don’t really cling to either.
I just hope this family can be resilient and find peace regardless of proclamations or orders about the flag.
March 19, 2025 at 10:15 am #2324888I just hope this family can be resilient and find peace regardless of proclamations or orders about the flag.
100% agree. Like I said I respect all law enforcement, firefighters, and other medical personal. Just was curious what criteria was applied to the decision. It just seems to me like the honor is granted far to often and takes away a little from the meaning it was once reserved for.
March 19, 2025 at 10:19 am #2324890If Chief Gruett was a family member of yours would you question it? Would you want others questioning it?
March 19, 2025 at 10:31 am #2324899If Chief Gruett was a family member of yours would you question it? Would you want others questioning it?
to be honest, I believe if he was a family member I’d still be questioning it. How many other firefighters and police officers die in Minnesota each year who do not receive the same honor? Maybe this have their families questioning why this one as well????
Posts: 1849March 19, 2025 at 10:45 am #2324906
The governor is required by legislation dating back to 2004 to order flags to be flown at half mast with discretion to time to be lowered whenever a member of law enforcement or public safety, or military dies. Its up to legislators to define the terms further.
March 19, 2025 at 11:16 am #2324916The governor is required by legislation dating back to 2004 to order flags to be flown at half mast with discretion to time to be lowered whenever a member of law enforcement or public safety, or military dies. Its up to legislators to define the terms further.
Your link reads that its for those killed while in the line of duty. From a quick google search I did on several of the most recent ones, several of them appeared to be none duty related deaths. I may have missed something.
March 19, 2025 at 11:16 am #2324917No disrespect for those honored by this gesture however, it seems like our flags are at half mast most of the time. Of course half staff is an indication of honoring someone who has died, regardless of the circumstances. Not saying it’s right but years ago when the flags were at half mast it was pretty much understood why. Personally I think it’s used so often it now one just see’s it and thinks, I wondered whomever was important died? Again not that public servants are special, they are. Of course its my opinion. I remember when Hubert Humphrey died, driving back through St.Paul seeing the flags on the capital half mast. One knew what was the purpose.
March 19, 2025 at 11:24 am #2324920The police officers were Burnsville in the ambush. Border Patrol would have been on Kab, Nam during a water rescue.
March 19, 2025 at 11:26 am #2324921No disrespect for those honored by this gesture however, it seems like our flags are at half mast most of the time. Of course half staff is an indication of honoring someone who has died, regardless of the circumstances. Not saying it’s right but years ago when the flags were at half mast it was pretty much understood why. Personally I think it’s used so often it now one just see’s it and thinks, I wondered whomever was important died? Again not that public servants are special, they are. Of course its my opinion. I remember when Hubert Humphrey died, driving back through St.Paul seeing the flags on the capital half mast. One knew what was the purpose.
100% agree. That was my point as well
March 19, 2025 at 11:30 am #2324922The police officers were Burnsville in the ambush. Border Patrol would have been on Kab, Nam during a water rescue.
As I said I may have missed the cause of death. Wasn’t the Burnsville officer shooting more than 4 months ago? I thought that was in early 2024. Maybe there was a different one I did not hear about. Tend to not watch near as much news these days.
March 19, 2025 at 11:57 am #2324940I’ve flown the flag for years and I’m very “by the book” when it comes to the rules. I also get email alerts every time there is a directive to lower the flag. I will admit, the past year or two, I’ve been surprised how many more of these alerts I’m getting. It does seem to me that they are increasing and it’s rare I go 2 weeks without a new one. It also seems that most of these are not “national” but state of Minnesota related directives. One thing I’ll point out is these directives are mandatory to state/govt properties etc. These are “suggestions” for all to follow but not a requirement for private citizens. Many businesses follow these directives but many also do not. On occasion lately, I’ve declined to follow some of them as I’ve felt they are a bit unnecessary. Just my opinion.
Posts: 1849March 19, 2025 at 12:45 pm #2324954
Sorry I was going backwards trying to see where it all started when I posted that link. This defines line of duty. The first guy probably didn’t die of natural causes at 51.
Posts: 110March 21, 2025 at 5:39 am #2325357Agree with some of the posts above. I feel the true meaning of half-staff has gotten watered down. Sort of like the use of the word “hero”. The use of both are thrown out too freely nowadays.
March 21, 2025 at 5:47 am #2325359The flags should be flown at 1/2 mast to note the lack of leadership in this state.
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