Fixing fiberglass boat

  • Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1330

    I’ve really been searching for a new to me ranger 620.

    I have found a few including one that I’m really interested in. It’s pretty clean except for one blemish near the bow eye from the former owner hitting something too hard, likely the winch area.

    My question is, has anyone professionally fixed a fiberglass boat before? The damage is well above the waterline so maybe it’s not even something to worry about but my ocd would still want it fixed eventually. What’s the price on something like this? Can a professional match the color as well?

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    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17283

    Anchor Marine in Delano.

    Posts: 12537

    Here you go simple fix and will prevent future scratches from roller.
    Otherwise yes fiberglass guys can fix fairly easily and match.
    Had a similar gouge fixed on previous boat.

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    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3126

    Here you go simple fix and will prevent future scratches from roller.
    Otherwise yes fiberglass guys can fix fairly easily and match.
    Had a similar gouge fixed on previous boat.

    The piece you suggest as a “simple fix” does nothing to fix the fiberglass.

    The damage shown in the original photo, is more than a simple scratch. The photo shows that the boat hull has been penetrated beyond the gel coat, exposing the inner layers to water intrusion. There also is no way of knowing just how deep the glass fibers have been damaged, until the damaged area is opened up for repair.

    Doing a cover up as you suggest, is like putting new shingle on a impact strike storm damaged roof, and not addressing if there is underlying damage from the penetration to the roof.

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    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3126

    The damage is well above the waterline so maybe it’s not even something to worry about but my ocd would still want it fixed eventually.

    It’s pretty clean except for one blemish near the bow eye from the former owner hitting something too hard, likely the winch area.

    Yes that area needs a professional evaluation of the total amount of damage. Surface impacts to fiberglass typically involve damage, deeper than what can be seen from just looking at the outside surface. The glass fibers below the gel coat have been stressed from the impact and could be cracked and/or weakened.
    The cracking of the gel coat under the bow eye mounting nuts also indicates there is some flexing of the bow eye going on. It would be in your best interest to have it evaluated by a boat repair professional. Yes any fiberglass shop could do an actual repair but a boat repair professional will be familiar with the stress’s and requirements present in a boat hull.

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    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17283

    As I posted Anchor Marine in Delano can do the repair. If you want the best in the business then call Georges Boat Repair in East Bethel.

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 957

    As I posted Anchor Marine in Delano can do the repair. If you want the best in the business then call Georges Boat Repair in East Bethel.

    What he said. After I got out of the military back in 89 I worked for a few different companies that produced fiberglass products. We’d also do repairs for locals here and there, usually boats. The damage in your picture can definitely be fixed. Just pick a shop with the experience needed.

    Posts: 1172

    I have done a fair amount of fiberglass work over the years and the damage underneath what you can see is usually quite a bit bigger and needs to be repaired properly otherwise it will just fail again.

    Posts: 1166

    Carstens Industries (builds Warrior boats) will take boats through their repair shop and can turn em out inside a week. Quality gelcoat and glass repair. Would recommend.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1330

    Thanks everyone.

    Picking it up next weekend. Will call around for time frames and such. Really just want it done right.

    Posts: 577

    Without knowing the cost of repair, why would you buy that boat?

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1330

    This is a 620T that has everything else I want (or lack of). They don’t make them anymore and this one has a basically brand new outboard (repower) on the back. The price of the motor alone pays for itself in this case.

    I’ll get it cleaned up, new electronics, new vantage, and will have a great rig for many years.

    Posts: 12537

    Doesn’t look bad to me but I am looking on my phone.

    Posts: 1975

    JB weld and run it mrgreen then again if you look at my boat it’s clear I ain’t saving it for the next guy, looks cosmetic to me .

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