I can’t do my real name because i’m still young (15) and my parents monitor the channel( when they watch a vid) and they told me I can’t say my real name. I want to record videos of me fishing .
Hardfishing – Please allow me to give you a little advise. Concentrate on perseverance and determination. You live in a world where most people are very skeptical of others, and many people are very devious. Not to say you have been dishonest. However, its common for someone to “hide” behind a online handle and troll for information – both good and bad.
Keep in mind that when you enter a website like this, it is a production company for advertising, shows, and other media forms. Asking members of a such site to visit your videos on Youtube becomes a gray area. James has been very liberal on allowing such posts, and the vast majority of members respect that. When we see a new member with very few posts suggesting to view their youtube channel, it doesn’t carry much credibility with most people.
IF you truly have a passion for producing vidoes, and it isn’t just a need to be popular or attention seeking – stay at it. Produce what you can, and share the knowledge your obtaining. Who knows, you just may be the future James Holst with a fresh new delivery. Just because you can not easily get to water, doesn’t mean that you can’t discuss product reviews or other techniques.
The things in life that are the most difficult to achieve will give you the most satisfaction. Hopefully this one little statement will make you look back at life 10, 20, or 30 years from now and you’ll have genuine pride in what you have done. Quitters, losers, and soft skinned whiny little parasites we call this generations’ batch of participation trophy kids all have a decision to make. They can grow up to be the pathetic pieces of crap their lazy parents are popping out that can’t swallow a little humble pie – OR – they can accept some criticism, an occasional kick in the groin, and set their goals and go out and achieve something despite their worst critics. It’s up to you young man….. you gonna let a few hard knocks keep you from what you enjoy? I hope not
BTW – No one has success handed to them. Its what you reach out and make happen