email response from railroad
I am contacting you in regards to the BNSF website inquiry below. I apologize for any inconvenience. For the public’s own safety, BNSF does police against walking on the tracks or along our right of way. This is considered trespassing, as all Rail lines and ROW are private property, but more importantly it can be extremely dangerous. The only save place to crossing the racks are at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings. Hundreds of people are killed each year by trespassing onto railroad properties. You can find more information regarding this issue on the website Operation Lifesaver, linked below. Unfortunately due to the sheer size of the rail system, it is logistically impossible to monitor and police the entire system all the time. As reports in areas become more frequent we may start policing the area more to help deter the unsafe practice. If you are wanting to install a public pedestrian crossing, I suggest you contact your local government/community leaders. It would ultimately be up to the city/county. I hope this information helps.