Fishing & Hunting Shows

  • holstc
    Posts: 124

    We decided to cut the chord on cable tv and just do the antenna and Netflix. I do miss WFN and a few of the hunting shows.

    Does anyone know of any streaming channels etc. That carry WFN or a good amount of hunting & fishing shows?


    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Good for you holstc, the prices a guy has to pay for cable/satellite are a joke.

    Unfortunately I want to watch the Twins, Vikes, and Wild whenever I can so I’m stuck unless I can get FSN some other way.

    Chance R.
    South Central S.D.
    Posts: 114

    We havent had cable in our house for a couple years now. Work seems to take up most of the day not leaving much time for tv anyway. I usually find myself catchin the weekly ido episode on youtube along with videos by jason mitchell, the lindners, Fish Ed is a good one too. Netflix is a regular for us as well as HBO NOW. I havent found much for hunting other than random videos on youtube lol so i’ll be keepin an eye on this thread with hopes someone will chime in. You can sometimes catch live sports as well through espn or whatever network is broadcasting the games which is nice.

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