Fishing Courtesy

  • Kyhl
    Posts: 749

    Pardon the long setup but I think some back story is important here.

    Saturday evening we pull up to a gravel bar for the evening bite. There were two other boats, a pontoon with dad and two boys anchored on the shallow hump of the bar, and another boat dragging lindy’s with a drift sock across the north side of the bar. Wind was out of the west.

    We set up a drift on the south side of the bar drifting west to east. Marked a lot of fish but they seemed finicky so we decided to anchor upwind and drift bobbers across the bar. We anchored within casting distance upwind of the bar. I felt bad parking about 60 yards of the pontoon.

    An hour later other boats started showing up and they worked around us with trolling motors but staying outside. I hooked a 26″ walleye letting my bobber drift onto the rock pile, just like we planned. As I cast to out the side to start a new bobber drift a boat motors in between us and the pontoon. I could have hit his boat with my bobber as he passed. He passed within six feet of my then floating bobber. The guy in the bow was leaning over the edge a bit watching my bobber as they passed. The SOB dropped his anchor right on top of the spot were my last bobber went down, just down wind of us.
    This also put him about 30 yards from the pontoon.

    We did comment rather loudly, “next time why don’t you just tie up to our boat.” Followed by, “132,000 acres and you have to park right there.” They were oblivious.

    It gets better. A bass boat with a young guy and his GF troll between the SOB, I like to nickname everyone, and the pontoon dragging lures and they snag the pontoon’s anchor line. They snap off the lure in the line for dad to hook his hands when he pulls up the anchor. Then the move about 30 yards up wind of the pontoon and stop to retie and continue fishing.

    At this point we are up to seven boats trying to fish this spot. Dad gets fed up, pulls anchor to leave which was also a good show because pulling in his anchor pulled him up next to the dork that had parked on top of it and hooked his line earlier. Dad heads his tri-toon at full throttle through all the dick heads. I laughed. Good for him.

    But wait, there’s more. Now the race starts to grab dad’s spot. The winning boat anchors on the spot. About 20 minutes later an arse hat comes trolling through the middle of the anchored fleet, by now there were 15 boats on the gravel bar, yacking on the phone while driving the boat. I had to move my line to save his trolling motor. Again, another oblivious idiot out there. I thought about leaving my 20lb 832 out there to wrap around his trolling motor, ending his weekend of fishing. Instead, I told my fishing buddy, watch this. Watching the schiit show, loud talker on the phone shouts, ‘Fish On’ and hangs up, only to find out he had also hooked an anchor rope. We were rolling in laughter at this latest cluster.

    Meanwhile, we caught a dozen eyes in a few hours, five over 25″, and enjoyed watching the inconsiderate idiots hook each other and vie for that perfect position.

    Please be considerate of others. If you don’t get their first, don’t fish on top of someone else. There are 132,000 acres to chose from. The rocks were on fire. Any rocks. You didn’t have to be on the spot on the spot to do well.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Ahh Mille Lacs. The lake where you aren’t allowed to fish alone or farther than 50′ from another boat.

    Posts: 727

    One time on the pond. We were anchored throwing bobbers with a group. Caught a few and a tiller boat saw the action and came backtrolling on over from the other side of the flat. We were on the edge of the flat and he was motoring right down the edge trying to see what was going on in that area. Head down, nose glued to his graph, he back-trolled right into my anchored boat, and deflected off rather abruptly. He looked up bewildered and took off full throttle to the south. I was hollering at him when he got inside 20 ft, but the ridiculously loud 2 stoke noise, radio blaring and the combination of not paying any attention to surroundings created an incident. He was long gone before I could pull up anchor and pursue. Luckily it was only a small scuff so I didnt want to go all hot pursuit all that badly, and only had 1/4 tank of fuel. Lord knows what would have happen if I got ahold of him.

    Got to watch out for those “tiller guys” … toast rotflol

    Posts: 749

    Ha! The mud flats earlier in the day were also entertaining. We picked off a few on the south end of Sherman’s close to noon-ish. As it got busier I decided to move up the flat away from the crowd. Most were working the edges. We ran up more than a quarter mile picking off a couple fish on top of the flat, only to turn around and see three other boats had the same idea. doah

    On the way back to Wahkon from Sherman’s I think we saw Feider’s boat running a good speed back towards Isle bay.

    We put on a couple miles Saturday. whistling My buddy doesn’t get to Mille Lacs much anymore and he has a great memory of fishing Sherman’s with his dad many years ago. So instead of hearing about it all day, I pointed the boat there first thing on Saturday to get it out of his system.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    Once while I was casting from my dock, I had a guy pull up and asked me to reel my line in and stand back because he wanted to try and cast under my dock and didn’t want to either hook me or my line. shock flame

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    Once while I was casting from my dock, I had a guy pull up and asked me to reel my line in and stand back because he wanted to try and cast under my dock and didn’t want to either hook me or my line. shock flame

    So your are saying you did not extend the courtesy of complying with his request?

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    Once while I was casting from my dock, I had a guy pull up and asked me to reel my line in and stand back because he wanted to try and cast under my dock and didn’t want to either hook me or my line. shock flame

    If it would have been me I would have made a cast into his boat an see if
    I could snag a few items for myself. You know just a little shopping. whistling

    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>ptc wrote:</div>
    Once while I was casting from my dock, I had a guy pull up and asked me to reel my line in and stand back because he wanted to try and cast under my dock and didn’t want to either hook me or my line. shock flame

    If it would have been me I would have made a cast into his boat an see if
    I could snag a few items for myself. You know just a little shopping. whistling


    Posts: 2218

    So if your ice fishing how close is to close? I’m on the river, and ice fishing it’s very common to have people fishing and drilling holes 4-8 feet from you. Bite the tounge and deal with it.

    I think you need to go to the titlest post and take up golfing.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Bite the tounge and deal with it.

    Or bite the guys line that’s wrapped around your anchor rope.

    I usually leave these kinds of situations quite quickly. Especially on Mille Lacs, there’s so many spots with little pressure.

    Posts: 103

    We were out fishing on the north end Saturday Morning. I picked a spot away from everyone. But as soon as we caught one fish the boats started migrating towards us. A couple boats pulling lindy rigs even circled right around us a few times, within casting distance. Really bothers me when I spend the time to find my own spots then end up getting crowded out of them. Atleast for me, half the fun is finding my own spots.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I’ve even been known to up and leave before the other guy shuts his motor off. You should see the look on their face when that happens. They usually take a second look at the graph before grabbing a rod.

    Sometime I give them a sarcastic “good luck” right before I punch it and head out. I come back 15 minutes later to a vacant spot. waytogo

    Posts: 3913

    We were out fishing on the north end Saturday Morning. I picked a spot away from everyone. But as soon as we caught one fish the boats started migrating towards us. A couple boats pulling lindy rigs even circled right around us a few times, within casting distance. Really bothers me when I spend the time to find my own spots then end up getting crowded out of them. Atleast for me, half the fun is finding my own spots.

    thats when you go to a spot that you know you most likely wont catch fish.
    with your backs to the crowd make like you are pulling them in one after the other.
    when the leeches show up,move to a spot you that you can have to yourself for a while.

    now,sometimes you have to do this a couple of times so that they get the idea you are jacking with them and they will ignore you after a couple of times of getting duped.

    Posts: 7348

    It gets better. A bass boat with a young guy and his GF troll between the SOB, I like to nickname everyone, and the pontoon dragging lures and they snag the pontoon’s anchor line

    Everyone likes a good nickname but it’s just mean calling his GF a troll doah

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Kyhl wrote:</div>
    It gets better. A <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>bass boat with a young guy and his GF troll between the SOB, I like to nickname everyone, and the pontoon dragging lures and they snag the pontoon’s anchor line

    Everyone likes a good nickname but it’s just mean calling his GF a troll doah

    LOL lol

    Posts: 749

    Everyone likes a good nickname but it’s just mean calling his GF a troll doah

    lol applause

    I have to admit, his fishing partner was better on the eyes than mine.

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