So last year I had a few days at Chester Woods that were just lights out awesome. I even had a day where my brother and I drilled our two initial holes and never left them and did great.
This season, not so much. Been to Chester twice with very similar experiences and results. Marking a bunch of fish on the flasher, getting movement and reaction out of them, watching those green/yellow/sometimes even red lines come up to my bait, then waiting for a bite that never comes. I’ve moved around a little, changed colors a little, still same result. I’m not trying to sound lazy, I know there’s always something that can be done or changed, but geez they’re panfish, it’s typically not this hard!
For those that know the water, I’m typically fishing structure, not the deeper water basins like the crowds usually do there. Maybe I should I guess. Just wondering if anyone else has had anything similar at Chester this year.
Also, I did do Silver Creek earlier in December, so if anyone else has been to some of the other waters in town and it’s gone better I’d love to hear about it.