Fish finder question.

  • robby
    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2849

    Wondering what you all do. Regarding the fishfinder, graph whatever on my trolling motor. When you all stow the trolling motor and move to another area, do you turn your fish finders off? I do, but that is what we were advised to do back in the day. Something about the transducer pinging when not in the water being bad for it. I know some folks who do not turn their’s off and some of them have told me that it does not hurt anything with modern equipment. So what’s the verdict?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    I don’t turn mine off unless I’m going for a long run.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    I don’t turn mine off unless I’m going for a long run.

    Same. If its just a short jaunt to the next spot, I leave mine on, which is the case on most smaller lakes. On a bigger lake, when I have to go farther, I turn it off.

    Posts: 2872

    I leave mine on.

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    Humminbird has a Standby mode that I use for long runs. Press the Power button like you were shutting it down and on the pop-up menu chose Standby. To power back on just tap the power button and back in business.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    I have an older unit on the trolling motor / bow and sometimes if I don’t turn it off it will lock up on me. So I just shut it off. I will have to try the standby mode.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3188

    Never turn Garmin off unless I know I’m not going to use it for a long time and it hasn’t hurt it.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    I know when I had my Garmin installed by a rigging company he shut off the pinging while setting up cause it could damage something, but I thought that was because the concrete was just below it and being a hard surface it would do harm? Not really sure, mine was already wired for a Lowrance and that is what I run when I use the bow graph, it was set up to shut off power when you start the big motor. To be honest I only run that one sometimes, most days I just run my two on the console.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2849

    Thank you all!!!

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