Seriously, I give fish away all the time to people that love fish and don’t fish, as also to people that can’t fish but still like a meal if it, I don’t trade it and I don’t expect anything back, when they respond saying thank you do much is so rewarding in itself, and the best part is they never know when they will get some, I feel sorry for you that you think I’m stealing your fish only to give some away,it explains a lot why society is so screwed up, ugh, I can’t believe I even responded to something so anal
I agree!!! I won’t waste my time reading beyond this one–no need. ‘Nuff said. God forbid–I cut ( via permit) some oak for firewood on state land and gave some to a neighbor who needed it. Yup–he did me a favor back. Now I’ll go to confession…and turn myself in for doing a good thoughtful deed–with a state resource. Heck…I have given countless fillets to people who let me hunt their land over the past 50 plus years. I have given countless fillets to people who have done me a favor for the past 50 plus years. Don’t tell the “fish lives matter” group–next thing ya know the boat ramps will be blocked!
If “gifting” a fish/multiple fish/game etc. taken legally, becomes an ethics/legal issue, it is finally time to admit you are NUTS!!!!!!! LOL Go hug a tree!!!!
OOPS–forogt! Bless me father for I have sinned…I traded some walleye fillets when I was in high school for some lobster tails at the Y Club in Garrison Mn. PLEASE forgive Clarence Fisher, the owner at the time who never had time to fish, for being a bad influence on such an innocent kid.