First Walleye LiveScope Experience: Unreal

  • Netguy
    Posts: 3429

    Fished a northern MN lake last week.
    Day 1: Caught several walleyes in 5-7 feet of water on a wind blown (12-16 mph) flat with heavy overcast skies.
    Day 2: Conditions had changed to wind from the same direction at 5-10 mph with mostly sunny skies. Went back to the same area and only caught 2 in an hour in 5-7 feet.
    Jig trolled out to the flat where it drops from 10-20 feet. Caught an eye at the top edge. Graphed the area and marked two spots with fish. Went to the first one that was halfway down the drop, spot locked and fired up the LiveScope. Casting to fish up to 50 feet away, I caught 3 eyes in 10 minutes. Then my buddy caught one in the next 10 minutes and another 20 minutes after that. One of the fish I caught I saw it chasing down my jig, felt it bite and saw it lift off the bottom when I set the hook.
    I’m 60+ years old and not many things get me really excited but I was absolutely giddy!!
    Can’t wait to chase some eyes on the flats on Mille Lacs soon.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 740

    Thanks for posting. Livescope has really peaked my interest. A friend sent me the video below a couple of days ago. Pretty impressive stuff! I hope you do good on Mille Lacs also. Let us know how it goes.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    Like a video game. Sorta.

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