First time owning a skid house

  • Donut
    Posts: 2

    Picked up a 6×8 skidder to put up on LOTW this season. Wonder what supplies I should keep in for the winter. Thinking a handyman would be a smart purchase so far.

    Posts: 2

    Hers some photos

    1. image-4.jpeg

    2. image-3.jpeg

    3. image-2.jpeg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11009

    co detector and a good bottle opener. wink

    Posts: 2837

    Set it up with a generator,you will need lots of strobes and a lighted flag pole.Ya gotta be like the big boys.I would put the opener on the wall and something to catch the bottle caps under it.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1068

    Extra propane and a few heater related parts and tools. X2 on the co detector!

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    A big pry bar/ice chisel, propane torch and everything else mentioned above. Not sure where your propane tanks are/where you will mount them but I would insulate them somehow. I throw a blanket under the cover of my tanks and set a trouble light inside at night to keep them from freezing when it’s below 0.

    If the house gets frozen in, try pulling at an angle instead of straight.

    Posts: 426

    oops, I thought you said she shed.

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