First Time Grilling Steak! 🥩

  • Sharon
    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Tonight was my first time grilling steak! 😋🥩 Billy was the grillmaster for so long that I’ve never needed to use the grill before, but I figured it was about time I give it a try!! It turned out great! 😁👍🏻
    And I definitely have some learning to do. It took way longer to cook than I though it would, but I’m sure I kept checking on it too much. 😅🤷‍♀️

    1. IMG_20220902_173011_444-scaled.jpg

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    Now that looks good. We3 dis steaks tonight on the grill….ribeyes. Beets with the greens and a roasted sweet potato too.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18993

    NY strip?

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    NY strip?

    Yep! I don’t know my steak varieties well yet, but I knew I didn’t want to start with something too expensive incase I totally hosed it up and had to order pizza. 😅😅

    Posts: 2872

    Looks good Sharon,good job on your first.If your brave move up to a ribeye next time or a tenderloin.

    Posts: 4802

    Man that looks awesome. I love New York strips waytogo

    Posts: 354

    Agreed, looks great… moving up to more tender cuts like a Tbone, porterhouse, ribeye isn’t hard to do at all. The key will be to find how rare you like them. For me it’s hard to eat any steak that’s cooked past rare/med rare. Another key is don’t throw a steak on the grill if it’s not room temp, a little salt & pepper & let it sit an hour outside the fridge. toast

    Posts: 3944

    Awesome job little sister!!
    Invest in an instant read thermometer to grill to perfection.
    Expand your horizons a little bit by grilling mushrooms, pineapple drizzled with honey, asparagus, onions, etc.

    Cut a couple of peaches in half, brush the halfs inside and outside with Evo, place them cut side down and grill them for 3-4 minutes.
    Flip them and fill the cavity with pure honey and grill them for another 3 minutes.

    Posts: 3944

    Here’s another one, large porta bella mushrooms, clean the stem and cap under cool water
    Place in a gallon ziplock bag and cover with italian salad dressing.
    Let them marinade for 5 days in the fridge.
    Grill them like you would a burger patty and serve as such.

    Posts: 354

    Of course wrong way shows up to destroy a steak thread.. chased

    Posts: 3944

    For the culinary ignorant,ahem!!
    The flavor of steak and mushrooms compliment one another in so many ways!!
    But who am I other than a dumb old farm boy who grew up,,,uh wont waste my time,so,,, anyone ever had pork finished out the last month on acorns???
    If you haven’t, you’ve never had pork at its finest!!
    Especially smothered in goats beard mushroom sauce!!

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    my favorite thing in your pic is that you don’t let your food touch. you are pretty brave using a normal plate Sharon! i would think you would have a bunch of those high school lunch trays at home.

    Posts: 542

    Good job, Sharon!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5897

    Nicely done Sis! A pic after it was cut into would have had me recleaning my screen!

    For beef set your steak on a plate and generously sprinkle with coarse grain salt (like kosher, himalayan pink or others not table salt) on each side an hour or two ahead of the cook, aka to properly season them. Then, if you like another seasoning rub apply that a bit later to up to just before they kiss the fire. Some day you can learn the reverse sear, that’s the cat’s meow here!!

    Like Sheldon stated instant read or a leave in probe will really elevate your ability to repeat the masterpiece you have prepared for yourself time and time again to within a degree of it’s internal temp. I probe most everything that goes in my Weber kettles and smokers, pork, beef and poultry.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1599

    Piling on with Iowa contingent, get a decent thermometer. They don’t have to be expensive. Don’t be afraid of the meat, it’s just meat. experiment a little with different cuts and temps. I like tenderloin a litle more well done than a NY Strip – not overcooked, just a little more well done. I also like ribeyes a little more well done than most folks do, it get the fat and connective tissue to melt within the meat better than it would be rare.

    Add ons are good – mushrooms. deg[azed frying pan juices with red wine or a touch of balsamic vinegar. Meat without addons is also good, a little salt and pepper and you are on your way.

    Enjoy with wine or beer. Don’t let the wine snobs fool you, wine doesn’t have to be a dry red and beer is, well… beer! If you don’t drink alcohol, black iced tea is a nice astringent compliment to steak.

    Most of all, have fun and enjoy yourself!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    my favorite thing in your pic is that you don’t let your food touch.

    LOL it’s noticeable, eh? 🤣🤣 Yeah I don’t like my foods touching and I have a bunch of small prep cups I often use to keep things separate on my plate. 😅😁👍🏻

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Thanks for all the tips and suggestions guys! I do have a meat thermometer and it’s a nice one. I wasn’t sure how long it would take to go up to the right temp so that’s why I kept checking it. 😅 Practice makes progress!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4556

    Are we really not going to talk about Montreal Steak seasoning?

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1581

    Are we really not going to talk about Montreal Steak seasoning?

    Then I won’t say I really like it on salmon.

    Posts: 4552

    I let the meat get to room temp before cooking, season then preheat grill on high till temp reaches 400f. Then 5 min on each side while on med/high heat. Let stand 5 min and enjoy.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12637

    Everything you need to know is in one of the funniest scenes of TV:

    Posts: 24968

    Montreal Steak seasoning is fine, but I prefer Uncle Chris’. Steak looks great Sharon! NY Strip is a decent cut for sure.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Everything you need to know is in one of the funniest scenes of TV:

    Bahaha, love Letterkenny! rotflol rotflol

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    Love that one Werm! Don’t F up my steak dinner!! jester

    Justin Donson
    Posts: 365

    For all you room temp meat resters out there, it’s a great tip for small cuts of meat, but don’t try to apply it to larger chunks of meat.

    The time it will take for a full rib roast or pork shoulder to come to room temp is wayyyy too long. By the time the center has warmed to room temp, the outside of the meat will have been in the ‘danger zone’ for far too long.

    For steaks it’s great though! Just my PSA for the day!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Late to the dinner table again. crazy

    Lookin’ good Sharon! toast

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    For all you room temp meat resters out there, it’s a great tip for small cuts of meat, but don’t try to apply it to larger chunks of meat.

    The time it will take for a full rib roast or pork shoulder to come to room temp is wayyyy too long. By the time the center has warmed to room temp, the outside of the meat will have been in the ‘danger zone’ for far too long.

    For steaks it’s great though! Just my PSA for the day!

    mom was notoriously bad with the room temperature thing, brother and I put the cabosch to that when we are around. Not sure if she still does it but not when we are there.

    Posts: 1811

    Call me crazy,take a great frozen steak, put it in the air fryer at 400 for 20 minutes, at 8 minutes put some Montreal on and wait till done. DK.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    Unless you leave it out for a few hours, the internal temp of your steak won’t be much different than if you left it in the fridge.

    The best advice I can give is to pat dry the outside with a paper towel so you get a good sear. Also, having a cooler spot on the grill without a flame under the steak gives you a safe zone to let it come to the preferred temp without burning the outside (aka indirect grilling). Sometimes I sear, then finish to temp on the cooler side, and other times I’ll bring the steak up to 120-ish on the cooler side then sear it directly over the coals.

    Posts: 2960

    Bahaha, love Letterkenny! rotflol rotflol

    Not to get off topic, but Sharon – if you like Letterkenny, check out “Shorsey” on Hulu

    It’s the spin-off on the Hockey character that’s always in the Lockeroom bathroom – it’s fantastic. Grill-up another steak, flip on the TV and get ready to laugh.

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