If you’re serious about hunting with a bow, a league like this is perhaps the smartest way to stay honed in. I’d also suggest finding and joining a club with outdoor ranges and targets at various distances and spent a lot of time shooting there. Then also have a target block at home and sling a couple arrows a day to keep in touch with the “one shot” mentality it takes when actually on stand hunting.
I don’t shoot bows any more but when I did I shot at a public range for at least an hour about three, sometimes four, days a week. I kept a target block in the garage on a stand to keep it at roughly the height of an average deer’s chest. I kept a matchbook cover pinned to the center of the target block and would shoot one random arrow from my hunting arrows every evening at random distances to about 24 yards. The arrows carried the same broadheads I hunting with except the blade’s cutting edges were filed flat. Everything was exactly as I hunted the bow. That small bit of paper forced me to focus and it’s amazing how often my one shot hit the mark. This isn’t going to get you closer to deer or make any other aspect easier or more consistent, but it will make you mentally prepared when it comes time for that one shot.