First night of 3d league.

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    Shot our first night of leagues last night. And man it was fun. I didn’t do as good as I should have. But I have 11 more weeks. They give out a handful of new bows, tons of other prizes and lots of raffles.
    I have never shot in a league before but I met alot of knowledgeable guys last night and highly suggest trying one if you’ve never done so.

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    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Where is your league at Bearcat? I shot in an archery league a few years back. Met alot of guys and gals from the area. It’s amazing the improvement you will see between the first and last nights of the league. You also get exposed to all the gear the other guys are using (good and bad). Good luck.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    I’m shooting at full draw in Stacy/ north branch.
    Some of these guys definitely have big money in to the set ups. I’m happy with my set up, just wanted to push my comfort zone a little bit. And I will take all the extra practice.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    Looks like a lot of fun.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    Looks like a great way to keep up on the off season practice. I have never done one but looks like a good time.

    Posts: 25044

    That looks like fun! I used to shoot a ton back in the day, but havent slung an arrow in years. Might have to fire up the old Proline PointBlank to see what she can do! I had a couple RobinHoods back in the day, but with my eyesight now I doubt that is possible again.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1161

    Brush league is such a great way to keep in archery form through the slow months.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3306

    If you’re serious about hunting with a bow, a league like this is perhaps the smartest way to stay honed in. I’d also suggest finding and joining a club with outdoor ranges and targets at various distances and spent a lot of time shooting there. Then also have a target block at home and sling a couple arrows a day to keep in touch with the “one shot” mentality it takes when actually on stand hunting.

    I don’t shoot bows any more but when I did I shot at a public range for at least an hour about three, sometimes four, days a week. I kept a target block in the garage on a stand to keep it at roughly the height of an average deer’s chest. I kept a matchbook cover pinned to the center of the target block and would shoot one random arrow from my hunting arrows every evening at random distances to about 24 yards. The arrows carried the same broadheads I hunting with except the blade’s cutting edges were filed flat. Everything was exactly as I hunted the bow. That small bit of paper forced me to focus and it’s amazing how often my one shot hit the mark. This isn’t going to get you closer to deer or make any other aspect easier or more consistent, but it will make you mentally prepared when it comes time for that one shot.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    They change the 3d course weekly. Weather pending it’ll be out side, 35 yards is the longest shot. 12 is the shortest. 2 arrows at every target. 16 targets a week. Moving targets get thrown in the mix, shooting from balconies as well. They cover the bases.
    Hard to tell in the pic but every shot has its own shooting point. So you are never just standing 20 yards straight on. Have to shoot around boulders and trees and other animals.

    Posts: 55

    I’ve been thinking about getting into a league at Full Draw.
    Not really sure why I haven’t?
    What does it cost?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    I’ve been thinking about getting into a league at Full Draw.
    Not really sure why I haven’t?
    What does it cost?

    Sorry bud I just seen this. 3d league was 150 bucks. 30 bucks the first night and 10 bucks a night one time a week for 12 weeks. And techno was 160 I believe. At the end they have a huge banquet dinner for the archer and a plus 1, at the banquet they give out tons of prizes, 2 new bows 1 for first place and 1 for door prize raffle. Full turkey set ups ( blind, chair , broad heads , and a call. All sorts of sights and what ever else, as long as a great buy in raffle with guns, bows and all sorts of goodies. But the food alone is worth it. Huge BBQ and smoked dinner from a local guy.
    I joined so I shot more and pushed my self. I haven’t shot in 8 or so years. I’m currently sitting in 47th place out of 150. My goal was to stay in the middle of the pack, but I’m slightly above that coming put of week 6

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    We shot our last night of leagues last night. I won’t know my final position until the 1st at the banquet. But before last night I was in 32nd overall out of 150 to 170ish guys. So I didn’t think I did to terrible. It was alot of fun and I will be joining another league

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    Ended my season in 20th. Banquet was yesterday.

    Posts: 4487

    20TH out of 20?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    20TH out of 20?

    Lol pretty much, if you ain’t first your last. 20th out of 175

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