First ND trip

  • dave-t
    Mac-Groveland, St. Paul
    Posts: 33

    A buddy and I are going to be hunting zone 1 from 10/17-10/20. This is the first trip for either of us to ND. We will be hunting potholes only. I plan on bringing all the decoys I own and a canoe. I figure we’ll be doing a lot windshield time when we’re not hunting or sleeping. We plan on mostly hunting north and south of Medina. Has anyone been up there yet this year? I’ve read that it’s been really dry and the water is down a lot. We plan on hunting all public areas. If you guys have any input it’d be appreciated.

    Posts: 1806

    Scouting is key. Take a look at the PLOTS webmap and app,and pick up a paper book copy at a gas station.

    If you have layout blinds, I’d toss them in too since cover is different out there than in MN and sometimes it can be tough to conceal your plain self well.

    Also, don’t be scared to knock on doors to get permission on posted private land. I’ve had success with that in other parts of the state, but zone 1 maybe a little more difficult since its the most popular area. Good luck, and report back after you return!

    Posts: 410

    We just got back from nonresident opener hunting that area. It is dry but any slough larger than an acre has water. We hunt water only and had 3 good hunts and a bust. If you are willing to walk more than a 1/4 of a mile you will have a good shoot. decoys have always been in my ten plus years less is more and if you are where the ducks are even better. Chase lake has always been good to us that time of year. Look for where the ducks want to drink. Many lakes are salty or high in alkalinity and the ducks will not drink the water so they find one our two potholes with good fresh water and drink through out the day. good luck

    Mac-Groveland, St. Paul
    Posts: 33

    Thanks for the info guys. I would consider it a very successful hunt. We hunted mostly between Medina and the chase lake reserve. Stuck to small spreads, no more than 30 birds at a time. Got mostly divers but I have no problem with that. We actually hunted big water the entire trip and took the suggestions of walking farther and scouting more. The first day up there we didn’t hunt but put 200 miles on the back roads scouting. The last hunt we drug our gear and canoe through 50-70 yards of brush then canoed over 100 hundred yards out to an island. It was an exhausting day but the diver hunting was absolutely amazing.

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