First annual Mille lacs tournament

  • Josh Thomas
    Posts: 6

    A little info on what we will be doing for the tournament:
    -3 species are eligible (perch,walleye,pike)
    -total inches for each will be totaled with a minimum for each that is tbt
    -top 2-3 will be winners (depending on how many teams)
    -2 person teams
    – 10am-7pm
    -all pictures must be clear and have item I will give out prior to take off
    -lengths will be rounded to the nearest 1/4″
    -pre registration is required
    -Nitti’s Hunters Point will be the launch and weigh in location
    E-mail [email protected] with questions or to pre register

    Also look up Twincitytackle on Facebook for up to date info on this even

    1. image8.png

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    Ya gotta date?

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    I believe with the date change announced Friday and the other big contest scheduled for that day you might be way better off changing your date. Unless of course your giving away fish houses, trucks and cash your going to have a hard time competing with two very well established charitable contest running.

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