Just a reminder here… I am cleaning out one of my boats in case the guy coming to look, buys. My first aid kit that was supposed to be in a waterproof plano box is a disaster… the side cutters are so rusty I wouldn’t want to use them if I did get a hook buried and I am sure the gauze, band-aids, and tape I have in there are all shot. Glad I found it now instead of when I need it! I guess after moving from boat to boat for 20 plus years, it’s time to put a new one togeather. I probably needed to do that a few years ago! I also noticed the fire extinguisher is in the red on the gauge. I know it was good last fall. Check on you stuff guys, it won’t be long and the ice shack is going back in the loft and the boats will be out!
First Aid kit for boat
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