Firearms deer opener roll call

  • buckybadger
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9117

    I am not crazy about venison myself. A small corn fed antlerless deer is decent eating and my family will eat it every once in a while. I know plenty of people who don’t care for it too. Certainly an acquired taste.

    I am done eating the more sizable rutted up bucks. Those go to the donation program, if I shoot one. Which is about once every 10 years. sleeping

    Plump young does from farm country taste the best and have the best texture hands down. Any mature buck is almost completely ground up. I’d bet 90% of the people who have prepared venison for me at their place have overcooked it. It doesn’t take much time/heat for venison to be cooked, and is very easy to overdo it. Once it’s overdone it quickly loses it’s allure to me.

    I grew up eating a ton of venison, and now only eat it once in a while as it’s not a staple of going out to “fill the freezer” like it was in my younger years where our party would easily harvest 30 deer a season. Our group has dwindled and now it’s primarily trophy bucks or and a handful of medium sized does that we shoot each year. What isn’t cut out and prepared on the spot gets turned into jerky, snack sticks, summer sausage, or ring bologna depending on whose it is and what they want.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19005

    Agreed ^

    Wright County
    Posts: 3201

    You guys are nuts. Ive never eaten venison I didnt like. Granted overcooked is horrible but steaks,roast, brats, sticks, even ground and use it where you would hamburger is great.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    jerky, snack sticks, summer sausage, or ring bologna

    I cut the loins out, and the tenders of course, and cut the loins into chops about an inch thick. I freeze 4 chops to a package. When thawed for use I pound them out with a meat mallet to about 3/8″ thick, season them and toss them in a pan of hot, melted, butter and a shot of Lea & Perrins. 90 seconds on each side and they’re ready for a bun.

    Everything else goes into the aforementioned goodies.

    Posts: 1902

    Just got up to 248. With it dry in the swamps this year it will likely be slow like the last few.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12740

    I cut the loins out, and the tenders of course, and cut the loins into chops about an inch thick. I freeze 4 chops to a package.

    We use to do ours the same. These days I leave the Loins in larger sections and cut to size when ready. They seem to stay better in the freezer this way and gives you options when ready for use.

    Posts: 950

    I’m up in 109 with the guy in the pic.

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    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2108

    These days I leave the Loins in larger sections and cut to size when ready. They seem to stay better in the freezer this way and gives you options when ready for use.

    same here…

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    BlackBay, that is one heck of a pic!!!
    If you scratch behind his ears, maybe he’ll share! yay

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    These days I leave the Loins in larger sections and cut to size when ready. They seem to stay better in the freezer this way and gives you options when ready for use.

    same here…

    I do that with all the hind steaks. Either cut the bigger rounds in half once or leave hole for a bigger meal. I do the same with back strap. I’m currently vac sealing a deer right now

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    Posts: 589

    177 for our small group. Myself and girlfriend are pretty much the only two that will actually be hunting and more than eager to pull the trigger. A few older guys will go sit for a hour or few here or there but it’s pretty much just ceremonial. Seems like there’s way more deer at our place this year than last and actually have seen a couple really nice bucks out in our fields a couple times this fall. 500 acres of private land so hoping they don’t wander off to the neighbors and the wolves don’t come through and chase them around. Either way it will be fun.

    Mark Uidenich
    Posts: 41

    178 down the Whiteface Truck Trail. We’ll be on wolf watch as deer are scarce.

    Posts: 1211

    Im good for 4 deer per year. Best protein a guy can get. If you grind your own, contact Pampered Pork in Le Center. Happy hogs = happy meat. Buy the leaf lard and grind at a 80/20 ratio. Very “clean” fat, and really highlights the venison without overpowering like a shoulder or bacon would.

    Looking forward to doing venison bone broth this year as well.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    Im good for 4 deer per year. Best protein a guy can get. If you grind your own, contact Pampered Pork in Le Center. Happy hogs = happy meat. Buy the leaf lard and grind at a 80/20 ratio. Very “clean” fat, and really highlights the venison without overpowering like a shoulder or bacon would.

    Looking forward to doing venison bone broth this year as well.

    Being buddies with the local butcher he gets us fresh grind for his cost the morning we make our sausage. He will give us all the seasonings and casing needed as well.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1077

    Just scouted a piece of public near home. Looks good, plenty of sign. Gonna set the kid up in a ground blind and sit in a tree nearby.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    Just scouted a piece of public near home. Looks good, plenty of sign. Gonna set the kid up in a ground blind and sit in a tree nearby.

    Tell the boy mason and I said good luck.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2108

    make sure the ground blind has orange on it on all sides, 1 sq foot I think to a side.. heard it’s a new law.. and good luck to all!!!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Good luck fellas! toast

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    Posts: 102

    I’m looking forward to this weekend, seems to be a few more deer up north than last year, and they have been on the move this week. I live in 132, work in 199/181 and hunt mostly in 182 for the bonus tags. I’m a meat hunter through and through. Moved to a new spot, seeing plenty of sign, feeling motivated!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    I’m looking forward to this weekend, seems to be a few more deer up north than last year, and they have been on the move this week. I live in 132, work in 199/181 and hunt mostly in 182 for the bonus tags. I’m a meat hunter through and through. Moved to a new spot, seeing plenty of sign, feeling motivated!

    We love antlers. But we are meat hunters as well.
    Good luck every one going out.

    Posts: 9321

    Got word last night that the neighbor across the river from my stand shot a big one two nights ago with the crossbow. Based on description it might be the biggest one I had on camera.

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    Posts: 2234

    In a deer stand in the heart of wolf country which is no longer that far north. Unit 156. See wolves as often as deer on the trail cam. 3 shots this morning heard – total. Not so long ago I would not have need tried to count shots or have my cell phone in my hand at this time of the morning.

    There are three different bucks on recent cam pics so there is a ray of hope.

    Perfect morning…. Calm, clear, 28F. Grouse and squirrels are my companions.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3198

    3 shots this morning heard – total.

    I’ve only heard one and it was a looong ways off

    Posts: 2876

    That’s nuts. It used to sound like a war zone regularly on openers as recently as 15 years ago, maybe 20, if I remember correctly(IIRC)…

    Posts: 1247

    There was a lot of shooting around me this morning. Close to 75 shots maybe more. The 3 neighbors shot at least 12 times combined.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    I don’t think I have heard more than 15 shots since legal time began today.

    I had an orphaned fawn at the water hole at 11:30, then she nibbled some leaves and even checked out the buck before heading for a buckthorn thicket where a lot of does and fawns like to bed. She’ll be back by 4:30 for another drink then head for the alfalpha field.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1161

    In a deer stand in the heart of wolf country which is no longer that far north. Unit 156. See wolves as often as deer on the trail cam. 3 shots this morning heard – total. Not so long ago I would not have need tried to count shots or have my cell phone in my hand at this time of the morning.

    There are three different bucks on recent cam pics so there is a ray of hope.

    Perfect morning…. Calm, clear, 28F. Grouse and squirrels are my companions.

    Britt what area of 156 are you in? We’re uo by Mahtowa and I had a pack howling a couple parcels north of me on the north side of our farm. Fortunately was able to bag a 7 pointer this morning, but the wolf sign is heavy on our farm. Has been for 6-7 years now unfortunately.

    Posts: 102

    Well I said I was a meat hunter, but if the first deer that walks out is a nice buck I’ll take it. Two for my family this morning, after two tough years we are calling that a huge win.
    I registered mine at Hugos Bar and there was more nice bucks registered for the big buck contest than I’d expected.
    A lot of people out, heard some shooting and a lot more positive energy coming out of 130 and 132 this morning.

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    Mark Uidenich
    Posts: 41

    178 Wolf Watch. My Son shot his 1st Buck. We left the gut pile around noon went back to set a camera and most of it was gone. Another group member had 2 Wolves come within 10 yards. Another guys 15 yr old daughter shot her 1st deer ever nice 8 pt

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    Posts: 9321

    Two bucks and two less wolves. Nice! grin

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