I sound like my kids, but guys, I’m bored. Firearms bored that is. Nothing new. Nothing different. I need some adventure. I need something different.
Normally this doesn’t hit until about December, but lately, well, I’m bored. As Julius Cesar said, “Boreamus, boromaus, boramus.” I came, I saw, it bored the cr@p out of me.
I’m pretty well set with rifles that the functionally normal modern midwestern hunter would need. I’m probably a little light on the true big-big game stuff, but come on! That stuff is so common it’s easier to find a .30-06 than it is to find the new Cheetos Chicken Fries at Burger King. I can get a 30-something-something-whatever anytime I want.
In need something interesting. Which means something marginally obsolete with a twist of pain-in-the-ass thrown in.
I have one project going right now, a Savage A17 that my father bought. It needs to be scoped and sighted in, but there’s just no urgency here as it’s a varmint rifle and he’s not going to be using it until next spring. Oh, and it’s a black stocked, modern rifle that, while very functional, doesn’t exactly turn my crank.
I talked myself out of the 16 gauge Remington 11-48. I’ve just got sooooooo many shotguns! I wanted to do it and maybe I still will do it, but that one can wait.
I almost made a fatal mistake of buying an old Remington Model 16. These are old pump rifles that were popular from their intro up to the 1950s, but they are chambered in many of those now-semi-obsolete “light rifle” cartridges like the .30 Rem and .35 Rem. I’m not putting down these chamberings, BTW, but these are the ones that fall into the “semi-obsolete” category. The fatal mistake I almost made was I just about bought one in the now-very-obsolete .25 Remington. I luckily found out before I bought it. But if anyone out there is sitting on 10 boxes of .25 Rem ammo you got from your grandpappy, please get in touch.
I have one idea brewing, but we’ll see where it goes. I was thinking of a nice little 1930s-40s vintage takedown .22 and then getting a nice fitted leather travel case made.
By happy chance, I found out that I have a distant relative in Montana that for some long time I’ve known has her own business but I never really delved into what it was. Well, I ran into her at a wedding this summer and I finally outright asked. She’s a custom saddle maker/repairer! So I hatched a plan to have her make me a custom car case for a takedown .22.
Am I nuts here? Takedown .22s just seem like so much fun and some of the Rems and Winchesters are just so cute. I have a Remington 12, but it’s my great grandfather’s and I had to have the chamber and barrel overhauled so now I don’t want to shoot it very much.
Anyone else out there in the same boat?