Firearm Return Policy – St Paul Police

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    Interesting article in today’s Pioneer Press. The more you know, the better!

    St. Paul will pay $22K to settle lawsuit; police accused of delaying return of firearms

    By Mara H. Gottfried | [email protected] | Pioneer Press

    PUBLISHED: April 3, 2019 at 3:58 pm | UPDATED: April 4, 2019 at 8:13 am

    After a man’s stolen firearm was found in St. Paul, police told him he would have to wait three years to get it back.

    In another instance, St. Paul police seized the gun of a man — who had a permit to carry — after he was arrested and briefly detained. He also received the same response to his requests to the police department: They would be keeping the gun for three years.

    On Wednesday, the St. Paul City Council approved $22,000 to settle a federal lawsuit over police policy on returning firearms. The police department also changed its policy, which now says firearms should be handed over within one year in cases that are not charged.

    Attorney A.L. Brown said he is certain the policy was changed because he raised the issue in the lawsuit.

    St. Paul City Attorney Lyndsey Olson said the city was already “looking for better ways to leverage available technology to solve gun crimes” before the lawsuit was filed in September 2017. “As a result, the SPPD implemented a new policy which includes a shorter retention period for firearms that are not linked to pending investigations.”

    The lawsuit had an impact on the timing of the policy change, which went into effect in September 2018, Olson said.

    Andrew Henderson said he got involved because he wanted to see the policy changed.

    Henderson’s firearm was stolen from his Little Canada residence in February 2016 and St. Paul police found it in a man’s possession three months later. Police told Henderson they determined the weapon was not used in any crimes, but he couldn’t have it back for three years.

    “I thought that was pretty ridiculous,” Henderson said. “When someone reports that their property is stolen, they expect it to be returned to them when it’s recovered by the police. There is no logical reason for them to keep it in their possession for three years. The evidentiary value of the firearm has already been tested, documented and cataloged.”

    The city decided to settle the lawsuit, which was brought by Jared Sande, Olson said, “because there was no indication that the firearms at issue were linked to any pending investigations and changes to the city’s policies and procedures rendered continued litigation unnecessary.”


    In July 2015, when police pulled Sande over, he informed an officer there was a gun in the vehicle.

    Officers also found a small amount of marijuana and a scale, which the passenger said belonged to him.

    Police arrested Sande, though he was released within an hour of his interview with police and not charged, his lawsuit said. His gun permit was returned, but not his firearm.

    Sande’s several attempts to retrieve his gun were denied by police.

    In August 2017, Sande received a letter from police saying that policy required the gun be sent to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for ballistic testing and the gun must remain in the department’s possession until July 2018.

    The police department adopted the three-year retention policy because, although a firearm may come back from the BCA without a connection to a possible crime, “the information needed to make that correlation may not have been processed yet by the BCA,” according to a filing by the city attorney’s office.


    Sande filed his lawsuit on Sept. 25, 2017, alleging constitutional violations in St. Paul police policy, including conducting searches “of firearms belonging to private citizens without a warrant and despite the fact that any criminal investigation has ended.”

    The police department sent Sande a letter on Oct. 10, 2017, saying they no longer had an evidentiary reason to keep his gun.

    After Henderson heard about the lawsuit and contacted Brown, the attorney, he was able to get his firearm back in January 2018. Henderson and Sande will receive the settlement.

    New St. Paul police policy says that when a case is not charged and there are no investigative leads from ballistic testing, the firearm should be kept by the police department for up to six months “to allow for the potential of new leads coming in from other agencies.”

    If firearm testing generates leads, the police department can hold the gun for up to one year to allow time for investigators to follow up on the information.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028

    I have often thought about this happening even if you were doing the right thing. Not much of an incentive to help others if your sidearm is going to be confiscated. Same with self defense. You could take out the most disgusting animal in the state yet you are losing the very means that made it possible and shows what an upstanding citizen you are. So basically your sidearm is a disposable, use for one instance of self defense tool. Dont carry expensive pieces or maybe dont stick your neck out for others? Ridiculous.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Very interesting. It seems a bit absurd to take a one size fits all approach to retaining people’s guns.

    Very govern”mental”

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    I was also surprised. This topic has never come up in permit class. I wonder what other Mn cities are doing? I would have thought state law would cover this reg. Glad someone took this to court and won!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Two of my dad’s weapons were stolen and recovered in McLeod Co in the late ’60’s. They were never returned.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    Why couldn’t the police run a round through the gun and keep the bullet for ballistic comparison purposes, and then return the gun to the rightful owner? Wouldn’t that provide the information they might need?


    Alex Roers
    Posts: 43

    I had a shotgun stolen out of my truck a few years back. Reported it stolen and did all the paperwork. About a week later it was recovered by shefiffs dept., state troopers, and cannon falls police in a drug bust along with a few other stolen guns. I was so happy that they found it, but was pretty annoyed that it took over a year to get back.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9054

    This is far more than just the St. Paul Police or Metro area law enforcement who have similar policies. I own guns and am typically pretty moderate in most arguments, but this one is a clear overreach of Government power. If it is your legally-owned property and you haven’t committed any crimes, the property should be turned over to you immediately. Why should a ballistics test of any sort be taken?

    If someone collides with your vehicle on the highway, why isn’t your vehicle confiscated for years to be sure it wasn’t involved in a crime? After all, we sadly know all too well that vehicles take lives when questionable decisions are made by those driving them (similar to firearms).

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