Finally some duck weather

  • troutbum
    St. Paul
    Posts: 528

    Heading out for the next few days to chase mallards. I feel like weve been waiting a long time for some weather to push the ducks in.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    We just got back from ND. Hunted Fri – Mon in some of the best weather, for late season golfing, you can imagine. (

    We hunted Tuesday morning in the type of conditions you’d hope for. Tough trip numbers wise, the birds are there now and if planning a N. ND trip, go now!!


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Heading out for the next few days to chase mallards. I feel like weve been waiting a long time for some weather to push the ducks in.

    I hope you did better than I did last week. 5 of 9 days I didn’t fire the gun. Last year this time I had to fight the ducks off. (

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1739

    Hopefully with the weather coming at us over the next few days is going to make a difference for some time… Lots of big wind, cold and snow should go a long ways to get the migration really ramped up!!! Hearing good things and it seems like it should do nothing but get better!!!


    St. Paul
    Posts: 528

    hunted fri-sun.
    Didnt drop a duck.
    Put on a lot of miles and hunted several different areas. Tough so far.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    Olivia and I were on the lower wisconsin river all last weekend. Horrible is an under statement. Saw a dozen or so ducks each day flying a mile away. It would be nice if you northern guys would share a few with us down here

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1739

    They are not up here either, although I am hearing of some buffleheads and other divers showing up in better numbers through the past week. I heard some good stuff from my nephew from down on the river from the past week…


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    I think a lot of the Mallards went down earlier than people think. Opening weekend we saw one field that had a few thousand lift off in the evening. We also had 30mph northernly winds that day. few days later, they were gone

    Stan Jenson
    sw wisconsin
    Posts: 178

    Drove up to Wyoming mn on Thursday. We went through LaCrosse and up through Red Wing. Didn’t see much until we got between Red Wing and South St. Paul. There were a lot of mallards and geese sitting on the back waters up that way.

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