Finally shook that Monkey off my back

  • poomunk
    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    It has been quite the journey since my last bow deer (2018). Somewhere after that season I started doing something wrong, at the target I was shooting great but was shooting high at deer. Over the last 6 years 2 missed deer and one (really big) wounded buck last fall (he survived and is still running in the woods today) and I was really questioning my ability. Plenty of practice and really concentrating on form (plus a 3d target so I was practicing at the same ‘shape’ as a deer) and I was feeling a lot better going into this fall. There were 2 deer i knew of that were my top targets, one of them being the one I had shot last year (aside from the antlers being the same design as the year prior he had an obvious scar on his side where I hit him), the other buck, well we will get to that.

    So almost 3 weeks ago now I discovered while shooting that the lower limb of my 16 year old DXT was cracked. Made the mistake of test shooting a new mathews lift and any thought of spending time and money on my old bow were quickly gone. Spend a lot of time the last two weeks shooting it multiple times a day to get as comfortable shooting it as I could (which wasn’t hard as it’s a sweet shooting bow). Thursday-Sunday was going to be ‘my time’ to bowhunt this year, that was until I came down with some kind of sinus cold this past week. With the weather being not so hot Thursday I rested up to put maximum effort into Friday.
    Activity was surprisingly slow Friday morning, conditions were perfect but by 9am I’d only seen what I believe was a doe and 2 fawns at a distance, 3 coyotes and one small buck. The stand I’m in i know is a spot that cruising bucks will use later into the morning so I just held tight. About 930 I catch a glimpse of a deer coming and get myself ready. Through the brush I could see it was a buck but wasn’t sure how good. As soon as he stepped out it was pretty clear, this was the ‘other’ buck i knew about i was after. I drew back and about 3/4 of my draw cycle he notices me moving. Luckily he froze just long enough for me to anchor-aim-fire. He bounds off, no sign of my arrow in him, I thought the shot looked a little high but as I listened to him running off I heard that glorious sound that was undeniably him crashing. Complete pass though, I think some deflection occurred as he was not quartering to as much as the shot angle was but got lung and liver, he made it maybe 200 yards. First deer I’ve shot with expandable broadheads (grim reaper), I’ve got to say a blood trail that Ray Charles could follow is nice, though I knew roughly where he went down anyway.
    But that was just the beginning of the fun. The valley he ran into has a logging road into it, but I’ve failed to clear that road for the last 3 years or so. He was 200 pounds field dressed so going up the steep sides of the valley wasn’t happening. Just shy of a full tank of fuel through the chain saw and I was able to re-open the log road and get him out but I was spent, thankfully the temps were good to let him hang overnight so I could recover. Note to self, next summer make sure all the log roads are cleared AND actually clear them.

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    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1526

    Awesome, glad your work and practice paid off! Congrates.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    Dang that’s a nice looking buck. Good work. I absolutely love my lift 33. It’s so enjoyable to shoot.
    What sight are you running on the lift I can’t tell from the pic.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    That’s a nice buck. Congrats. Sounds like he made you work for him though. lol

    Father-in-laws place?

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    Bearcat – hha optimizer lite. First sight like that I’ve used, i like the fact my sight picture isn’t going to change regardless of distance, so long as I have it set for the right yardage. Here at home it’s not much of am issue as I don’t have stands set up that you can shoot more than 25 yards but I hope to start hunting out west in a few years.

    Jimmy – this one is from my family place in WI. Next weekend will be in laws, my son has now taken over the #1 shooters position there and I’m the backup.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12740

    Beautiful deer. By the look of his neck I don’t think there is much doubt that the rut is on, at least where you shot him.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    Bearcat – hha optimizer lite. First sight like that I’ve used, i like the fact my sight picture isn’t going to change regardless of distance, so long as I have it set for the right yardage. Here at home it’s not much of am issue as I don’t have stands set up that you can shoot more than 25 yards but I hope to start hunting out west in a few years.

    I messed up a doe shot yesterday at around 25 because I had my sight rolled to 35. Not realizing I wasn’t zeroed back to 20. So I put my pin a few inches high and let my arrow fly. I shot over her back. I will always remember to zero my sight after shooting at home.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22357

    Beautiful deer. By the look of his neck I don’t think there is much doubt that the rut is on, at least where you shot him.

    The bucks are pushing doe like no other in my area.

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    Beautiful deer. By the look of his neck I don’t think there is much doubt that the rut is on, at least where you shot him.

    He was definitely cruisung trying to find that ‘first’ one. Despite hearing the crash (I didn’t see it though) and my previous few years of ‘horror’ post shot I still retreated back to the house to give him an hour and change into clothes/boots better suited to trail him down into the valley. So by the time I got to him rigor was already starting up and made it hard to stuff him into the otter sled I use to drag and also made it really easy for the sled to tip over with that big neck and head off to the side of the sled.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4396

    Congrats! Nice deer! waytogo

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12649

    That’s a bruiser for sure, congrats!!!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19005

    Ditto, really heavy antlers and nice width too. Congrats applause

    Wright County
    Posts: 3201

    Stud of a buck!

    St. Paul
    Posts: 530

    What a beautiful buck. Congratulations

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    Very nice buck poomunk! applause

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    Thanks all, head is at the gal that’s doing the European style head for me now, did a rough quick measure Sunday and he should go an inch or so either way of 140. Ended up with 86 pounds of trimmed meat off him, explains why it felt like it took way longer than usual to process.

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