Finally got out on the ice!!

  • Justin Phillips
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 129

    Had planned to get out last week but delays kept me from getting out on the ice until today. I usually prefer to fish the lakes here in the Chetek/Bloomer area with less pressure. Alot of them are good for slab crappies and thats about it so today I decided to start the season on the heavily pressured Chetek chain and go out of my comfort zone. One look at a topo map gave me an idea of where I wanted to go and once I got on the lake I hit that area but farther away from the crowds. The result was one of the hottest crappie/perch/bluegill bites I have had in years, with good size as well as numbers. Only drilled 1 hole all night and the vex was lit up at all times. Can’t imagine a much better start to a season!!!

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    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    I don’t fish the chetek chain as much as I should especially in the winter and I don’t really know why, cause it is packed full of of fish! Thats a great way to start out the year!

    Justin Phillips
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 129

    Haha I have avoided it every winter too, some weird urge to try it yday. Glad I did!!! Went out this morning, missed the slab crappie bite but got into jumbo perch (for around here), think I have found a new favorite spot!! Hopefully tonights crappie bite is like last nights!

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    Justin Phillips
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 129

    Piggy gills were the bite tonight, pretty awesome mixed bag bite going on right now. Starting to love the Chetek chain!!

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    Justin Phillips
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 129

    The hot bluegill/perch/crappie bite on the Chetek chain continues, numbers and size are just insane this past few days!!!

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