Oh fun, mass transit whine time on IDO!
These projects were not all created equal. The original blue line was pretty successful at one time. I know it made a huge difference in my life when I was younger. When I had my first job downtown in 2005 I was making peanuts, we had one vehicle and the wife was using it to drive to Shoreview every day. LRT saved me at least 30 minutes per trip compared to the bus options and my monthly pass was a fraction of the cost of parking downtown. At that time they had metro transit cops checking tickets and passes every single day. Trains were packed during the commute hours.
Early days of the green line I had decent experiences as well. My sons girlfriend rides every day from union depot to UMN and yet you grown men are too traumatized by the crime?
Cmon man…you know there are issues so don’t take cheap shots. You’ve had your own documented run ins you posted about on this site on the river. You should understand the crime issues in the cities as well as I do.
The crime on the light rail from 2020-2023 was out of control and that is well documented. Metro transit had to significantly increase officers. There were multiple shootings on both the green and blue line.
Crime has gotten better in 2024 as the amount of officers increased. I’m glad your son’s girlfriend feels safe on the light rail…maybe that means the crime issues have abated.