Final two tags punched

  • Hoyt4
    Posts: 1284

    This has been one of my hardest spring hunting I’ve ever been through. Gobbling and seeing birds seem to be tough in all states we hunted. 3 of the 5 days we didn’t even hear a bird on roost going to roost or through out the day . We have four farms to hunt in WI 800 plus acres and we ended up in a corner of two of the farms hunting 7 birds only ones we ever seen or heard during the trip.

    My friend and i on the first day never heard a gobble each uf us called in a couple hens but that was it. So we made a plan go back snack and then go on a walk and try and do some scouting and see if we can find one.

    We had some dumb luck we get back around a mile or so on one farm and started back and we see two birds on the next hill from us same level but maybe 400 yards from us. So we quick hit the ground crawl to the tree line and keep an eye on the birds . We get to the trees and now there are 3 birds. We sat there and watched for about 20 minutes and they start to come down the hill they are on. As they move we move down the hill we are on and get setup at a fence at the bottom. We never made a call or anything the birds make the bottom and start to walk across a small field our way. Both of us could not believe it they walked in to about 35yds and we both said close enough count to 3 and pull the trigger. Two jakes take a dirt nap.

    This was maybe our 10-12 times we have pulled a double together almost as many as my old man and I have.Now from this point on for the hunt it was even tougher hunting just to see a bird.

    Our goal this trip was to get a friend his first bird and that did not work out for him if he would of been with out our double we might of been able to get all 3 jakes.

    Still had a great hunt and saw a lot of deer and yotes. Had two yotes mess up one hunt we could not get a shot at either.

    I did end up getting another bird 23lb 10.5 1 1/8 spurs again that was luck went on a walk and jumped two gobblers together and shot him like a pheasant.

    I’m tired and beat up after two months of this but will never miss it for anything cannot wait till next spring already.

    Pat Howard
    Posts: 107

    Nice work ! It was tough here too.

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