Fiber optic for internet

  • Netguy
    Posts: 3119

    Anyone have fiber optic for their internet. My neighborhood was just wired for T-Mobile Fiber. Supposed to be fast. Don’t know when service will start. Have had Comcast forever. I suppose if I switched to fiber for internet, Comcast would jack up TV price. Maybe its time to cut the cord.

    Jeff Sevcik
    Posts: 4

    Fiber optic cable just came available up at our cabin in the UP. It’s fantastic. Super fast. As good if not better than our Comcast service outside of Chicago.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16722

    I have fiber optic high speed through Centurylink. They installed it in my neighborhood the year before last. Its very fast. I have the fastest rate available, 1 GB/sec.

    I don’t stream TV though, so I can’t comment on that.

    Posts: 21839

    Ours isnt hooked up yet but we will be getting it Oct 31. Pretty excited. 500MB is what we are getting which is about 10 times faster than the CenturyLink we have been using. Its actually going to be $10 more a month. The one thing I am unsure about is how fast their wireless routers are because that will limit the speed if you use wifi. It likely will be far less than the rated speed. The only way to get the full speed to connect via ethernet to a PC or your TV.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 11296

    We’ve been on MetroNet for a few years, works great. Can’t say it’s a vast improvement, but it’s cheaper and works as well or maybe slightly better. Plus we then started streaming Hulu+ for regular TV, so we are entirely done with Comcast, which is nice.

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