Fiah houses

  • matthewkolden
    Posts: 352

    I’m starting to really get the itch for ice fishing. I also am always super curious and interested in seeing people’s ice houses. I love seeing unique interiors on skid houses, interesting portable buildouts, ice castles, yettis etc etc. Am I the only one that gets a kick out of that?

    Well, anyway, if anyone wants to play along, post a couple photos of your shack. I’ll post mine if I can figure out how.

    Just sitting here on a Sunday morning sipping coffee and feeling ready to be doing this, but in my castle with some lines down.

    Posts: 352

    We clearcoated the entire interior with 4 coats of satin, that’s why it’s a mess and all the doors were off. Also added a fireplace, along with some other modifications.

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    Posts: 352

    I’m bad at this

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