Fertilizer on order

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I just ordered 1660lbs of N,P,and K last night to be picked up today. Going to hook up the spreader to the tractor tomorrow morning, get it all spread( except the 100lbs of N for my brassica plot), then hook up the tiller and hopefully get all the plots worked up. I disced all the plots last weekend and got most of the corn/bean stubble worked in.

    I won’t be able to get to the farm next weekend, but will be back up the following week for 4 days to turkey hunt, plants 200 trees and plant the corn. The following weekend the beans will go in and then hope for some rain.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Fert is spread plots are all tilled up and ready for seed. Saw lots of farmers out this weekend turning and planting. I am going to hold off until last weekend in April to get mine planted.

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    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Got the three plots at home fertilized and all worked up last night too. The first pic is a clover plot that has been in clover for about 5-6 years and the weeds and grasses were taking over. I decided to turn it under, plant corn in it this year, then start over with clover again next year. The corn should do well with all the N that the clover have stored in the soil the last 5 years.

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    SE MN
    Posts: 1503

    Sticker – I don’t have a spreader but will need to fertilize this year. Various size plots, about 5 acres total.
    Do you know if the local Ag elevators have bulk fertilizer in a wagon w/spreader that they drop off and I can spread it?
    I’ll have to call them for specifics so just wondering if you know whether they offer something like that.
    Any idea what it costs a ton?
    And I’m guessing there’s a bazillion types so is there like a “cheap all around” type I could ask for?

    Or maybe my best bet is to talk the agronomist at the elevator?

    Thanks for any tips!

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Some of the elevators do have a wagon/spreader that you can hook up to a pickup, but I have no idea on cost, we have always spread ours ourselves. We used to use a pull behind and an ATV, but now have a spreader for the tractor.

    Did you get any soil tests done? What are you planting? What was in the plots last year? I can give you some general guidelines if I know what you are planting, but might be best to talk to the agronomist where you are buying fertilizer. They are more in tune with the soil types in the area.

    Urea(nitrogen) that is needed for corn and brassica was $360 a ton I think. Potash and phosphorus that I put down for beans was $330 a ton. You can get 19-19-19 or 10-10-10 as a general mix, but if you only need nitrogen for corn, you are wasting money but getting equal amounts of all 3(N, P, K). With beans you don’t need Nitrogen so that would be a waste to put down if you are planting beans.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1503

    I didn’t do the soil tests…suppose I should do that first.
    I plant corn and beans in-between the corn rows in a few acres.
    The rest is brassica types, rape, turnips, radishes, kale.

    I’m think nitrogen is needed in most spots. Grew last year but didn’t grow BIG like it should.
    I think you’re right, I should see what the agronomist recommends.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Corn and brassica I generally do 100lbs/acre of urea. That is what my soil test have consistently told me. This year for beans I did 130lbs potash and 40lbs phosphorus mixed for my beans. That is also usually pretty consistent. But soil tests for your dirt would be more accurate. I send mine here and usually have the results back in 5-8 days. Your local elevator might be able to do the soil test also.

    soil test

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    I thought about hooking up the disc yesterday, but it’s still just a little too damp at my property. Didn’t want to make a mess out of things when with a couple of more dry days, everything will be prime.

    I did hook up the broadcaster and planted some ryegrass seed around our camp and on the driveway coming in. I’ve found ryegrass works great for erosion control and to prevent roads and trails from turning into mud pits. I can’t resist throwing some clover in there as well, but the ryegrass grows quickly and roots deep.

    I’m going to have to get some fertilizer in soon as well. I’m trying not to stack too much stuff up in advance of actually needing it. My #1 priority is to get a skid steer and rock bucket in get a LOT of rock picked. For that to happen, I need the soil to be fairly dry on top. Hate to wish for dry weather as I know that can go way too far, but that’s what I need to get the most efficient rock picking done.


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