Feral cats ?

  • thalweg87
    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 174

    Wow, so much hate. Glad I do not carry that burden.

    “It should start with you apologizing for allowing your cat to enter his property and an admission that you are the one at fault, not them or the cat, for the death of the cat.”

    Not happening.

    “Feral cats are destructive invasive predators. They do not belong on the landscape decimating bird populations. This is well documented.”

    While studies have stated that cats are the leading human related killer of birds, I do not think it qualifies as “decimating” in most areas. The same studies show that cats kill 6 times the number of small mammals – mice, rats, chipmunks, etc. I don’t see too many people complaining about fewer mice, rats and chipmunks being around. Some human (not including cats) related bird death estimates are around 1 billion per year – this includes collisions with glass, vehicles, windmills, electrical lines, and communication towers as well as poison, electrocution, oil pits and industrial fishing bycatch. These studies did not include the impacts of habit loss (forest reductions, farming practices, urban sprawl, etc.) on bird populations. Should we start shooting out house windows, stop driving or maybe cut down some communication towers?

    ” I dont care if its a cat or dog. My dog will not even leave my yard. That is how any pet owner should train their animal.” Cats are a bit harder to boundary train than dogs.

    “I bet it would be serious. I would seriously look you in the eyes and ask you why you didn’t have control of your animal and/or why you think it’s OK to let a predator run loose killing as it sees fit. ”

    Should that discussion include letting the coyote run loose killing as it sees fit? What about the Coopers Hawk that stakes out my bird feeder in the winter? Maybe the racoon or possum that raids ground birds nests? What about the human predator that kills as it sees fit?

    For the record, all of our cats are 100% indoors. However, they have been known to sneak out temporarily when carrying in groceries, etc. For a short period of time, we had a couple of garage cats that were fixed. They were garage cats because bringing them indoors with the other cats at that time would have been chaos. They have since been brought in. I would prefer that all owners would keep cats indoors and it frustrates me to see the places with a bunch of outdoor cats that are free to breed at will. However, I am not about to shoot one for simply being a cat. I know none of you will change my mind and I am near certain the anti-cat folks will not be changing their mind.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    No one should be put in the position of having to decide whether or not they should shoot some ones pet. The pet owner should care enough to train and protect their pet.
    I’ve helped train cats, dogs and 2 year olds. The cat is harder to train than a dog but much easier than a 2 year old.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    I live in enough of an urban environment that firearms of any kind are out of the question. I use intimidation. I see a cat or rabbit in my yard, and I’m out the door chasing them down the street waving my arms and yelling like a maniac. It seems to be effective even if my neighbors do think I’m crazy.

    That is, except for the little kitten last September. Out the door, yelling, acting threatening, etc. And the cat walked over to me, leaned against my leg and started purring. Well, heck. It’s pretty much impossible to act like a goon when the critter is being so sweet. Anyway we had a chat about things and I told him to go home, and I haven’t seen him since.


    Posts: 24714

    ” I dont care if its a cat or dog. My dog will not even leave my yard. That is how any pet owner should train their animal.” Cats are a bit harder to boundary train than dogs.

    Then those cats should remain inside. Simple as that.

    Posts: 24714

    Wow, so much hate. Glad I do not carry that burden.

    Hate? Hardly! Be a responsible pet owner. Its YOUR pet make sure its not bothering or a danger to someone else. And then comparing a domesticated animal to a predator is pretty damn rich. Nice work.

    Posts: 1192

    Wow, so much hate. Glad I do not carry that burden.

    “It should start with you apologizing for allowing your cat to enter his property and an admission that you are the one at fault, not them or the cat, for the death of the cat.”

    Not happening.

    “Feral cats are destructive invasive predators. They do not belong on the landscape decimating bird populations. This is well documented.”

    While studies have stated that cats are the leading human related killer of birds, I do not think it qualifies as “decimating” in most areas. The same studies show that cats kill 6 times the number of small mammals – mice, rats, chipmunks, etc. I don’t see too many people complaining about fewer mice, rats and chipmunks being around. Some human (not including cats) related bird death estimates are around 1 billion per year – this includes collisions with glass, vehicles, windmills, electrical lines, and communication towers as well as poison, electrocution, oil pits and industrial fishing bycatch. These studies did not include the impacts of habit loss (forest reductions, farming practices, urban sprawl, etc.) on bird populations. Should we start shooting out house windows, stop driving or maybe cut down some communication towers?

    ” I dont care if its a cat or dog. My dog will not even leave my yard. That is how any pet owner should train their animal.” Cats are a bit harder to boundary train than dogs.

    “I bet it would be serious. I would seriously look you in the eyes and ask you why you didn’t have control of your animal and/or why you think it’s OK to let a predator run loose killing as it sees fit. ”

    Should that discussion include letting the coyote run loose killing as it sees fit? What about the Coopers Hawk that stakes out my bird feeder in the winter? Maybe the racoon or possum that raids ground birds nests? What about the human predator that kills as it sees fit?

    For the record, all of our cats are 100% indoors. However, they have been known to sneak out temporarily when carrying in groceries, etc. For a short period of time, we had a couple of garage cats that were fixed. They were garage cats because bringing them indoors with the other cats at that time would have been chaos. They have since been brought in. I would prefer that all owners would keep cats indoors and it frustrates me to see the places with a bunch of outdoor cats that are free to breed at will. However, I am not about to shoot one for simply being a cat. I know none of you will change my mind and I am near certain the anti-cat folks will not be changing their mind.

    What does hate have anything to do with conservation? We’re talking cats, not immigration.

    Cat people are not serious people

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11103

    Cat people are not serious people


    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    I don’t think cats or dogs should be allowed to roam freely. But living in a very old house I don’t mind seeing the 1-2 cats that I see pass through the yard once a week or so. I still snap trap a mouse or two every couple months and I imagine it would be a lot worse without those cats around. I couldn’t kill a cat or a dog unless it was to protect my dogs or a person. I don’t have a fenced yard, so I walk both my dogs on leash several times a day. They don’t wear collars but they’re chipped. Hopefully, they never get out.

    My neighbor has two dogs that he lets out on a lead sometimes, but mostly they’re not tied up at all. One is a friendly little thing that rolls over when she comes up to you, and the other one has started to bluff charge me when I’m out with one of my dogs. It looks like a cross between a pit bull and something a lot smaller, so maybe #20 or so. She better stay out of kicking distance but keeps getting closer each time. Last time she turned back at 10′. The neighbor probably spends 2-3hrs a month calling for this dog and driving around looking for her. I hate that dog.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    The neighbor probably spends 2-3hrs a month calling for this dog and driving around looking for her. I hate that dog.

    I swear that’s a symptom of chained/kenneled dogs. I have 6 acres and my dogs know the borders. They are free to roam around the property and they don’t run off. They’ll mock charge to the property line. But they are even hesitant to do that, they’ll get their ass chewed and then some when I catch them pulling that crap.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18842

    Lol this thread went sideways today. I actually got a good shot chuckle out of it.

    Let’s not confuse someone’s pet with a feral cat, which is what this thread is originally about. It’s very easy to tell the difference between a free ranging feral cat and Dave’s neighbor cat that just happened to wander into the yard.

    As it stands, there is no state law that prohibits the taking of a feral cat (that is defined as not being owned by anyone, without identification).

    Stray dogs can be taken from Jan 1 – July 1 if caught chasing deer. The hunting manual is very clear about this.

    Posts: 24714

    Well said Gim. I still contend control your pets whatever they are but I won’t shoot fluffy. We have a neighbor cat that comes around and I just smile as I hope it’s eating nice and voles. It still irks me that people let them roam free like that which I think is wrong.

    Posts: 616

    If I get within 10’ of my live trap and the Tom cats (all 5 so far since November), start hissing, snarling & showing its teeth – it’s an auto dirt nap.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1074


    1. a25a2978d89b9c1c0bf711b16000ec01.jpg

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22176

    Lol this thread went sideways today. I actually got a good shot chuckle out of it.

    Let’s not confuse someone’s pet with a feral cat, which is what this thread is originally about. It’s very easy to tell the difference between a free ranging feral cat and Dave’s neighbor cat that just happened to wander into the yard.

    As it stands, there is no state law that prohibits the taking of a feral cat (that is defined as not being owned by anyone, without identification).

    Stray dogs can be taken from Jan 1 – July 1 if caught chasing deer. The hunting manual is very clear about this.

    Mn dropped the “feral cat “. And consider all cats domesticated. That was the point of the entire thread, this is still the answer I haven’t gotten yet. Talked to the local warden and asked him about the law and he was very unclear as well. A domesticated cat can not be shot and with no feral cats in mn they are all domesticated. So technically illegal to kill.

    All I am looking for is someone who can find the exact law/laws.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12618

    Knowing how some of the dog owners on here feel about their dogs. I find it funny that some say that they should have control of their pets rather it be a dog or cat, and that if on someones elses property they deserve to be shot. I can say without a doubt that if some of your dogs got shot on a neighbors property for no other reason than it was there. There would be a total hissy fit happening. I know where I live that there are FAR FAR more dogs on my property than Cats. Never once have I thought about shooting any of them.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3223

    Well said Gim. I still contend control your pets whatever they are…. It still irks me that people let them roam free like that which I think is wrong.

    Pets are like children. When you get a pet, you’re the one that is responsible for it and its behavior. It’s time for people to be hit with fines and or jail time for NOT tending their pets properly. Look at the hubby and wife that are standing trial right now for manslaughter over the shooting and killing their kid did. If someone’s pretty Siberian that got ugly if approached decided to take a walk and attacked and killed a someone, I’d be fine with the dog’s owners being charged with some sort of homicide. After the dog was put down of course.

    Any animal owned as a pet should have to get its annual rabies shot as well as any other vaccines the vet community feels appropriate for the living circumstances and tag should proof of such vaccines being given [different year, different tag color] and it should be manatory that any such pet that has any chance of getting outdoors need to have a collar and said tag on it. No tag, no collar… no retribution if the animal is disposed of.

    Posts: 24714

    I know where I live that there are FAR FAR more dogs on my property than Cats. Never once have I thought about shooting any of them.

    The difference is you yell at someone’s dog they will almost always run away. A cat could give two $hits and they dont obey any command or order.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18842

    I know where I live that there are FAR FAR more dogs on my property than Cats. Never once have I thought about shooting any of them.

    Not even remotely close for this guy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a stray dog while hunting. Not one. I see feral cats all the time while I’m hunting.

    I prefer to have more upland birds on the landscape. Not more cats.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12618

    The difference is you yell at someone’s dog they will almost always run away. A cat could give two $hits and they dont obey any command or order.

    Doesn’t matter to some on here. Shoot first and Yell after. All the neighborhood dogs in my area run right up and lay at your feet – Nice easy Shot

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11103

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    The difference is you yell at someone’s dog they will almost always run away. A cat could give two $hits and they dont obey any command or order.

    Doesn’t matter to some on here. Shoot first and Yell after. All the neighborhood dogs in my area run right up and lay at your feet – Nice easy Shot

    That made me shoot Corona out my nose. rotflol

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12618

    That made me shoot Corona out my nose.

    Corona at 11:00 in the morning. I like your style. Can’t drink all day, if you don’t start right away in the morning

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11103

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fishthumper wrote:</div>
    I know where I live that there are FAR FAR more dogs on my property than Cats. Never once have I thought about shooting any of them.

    Not even remotely close for this guy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a stray dog while hunting. Not one. I see feral cats all the time while I’m hunting.

    I prefer to have more upland birds on the landscape. Not more cats.

    Cats are much better at surviving than dogs without man.
    Ya gotta kinda respect them for that.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22176

    For a crew of guys that know every little law ever, this must be a head scratcher?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18842

    Cats are much better at surviving than dogs without man.
    Ya gotta kinda respect them for that.

    Oh I don’t think anyone would disagree with that. Tough to leave a dog at home for an amount of time. You can leave a cat at home for days on end.

    And personally, I have no issue with people having a cat as a pet. As long as its inside (or mostly inside and supervised outside), have at it. Its the free roaming ones that are the problem.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028

    I think this is one area where a squared away person like those on this thread can make the decision based on their own moral compass and not the letter of the law. Feral cats are invasive and bad for our ecosystem. Do what you want.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11103

    From the research I’ve done it seems there is no such thing as a feral cat just “free ranging” felines. Which brings me to interpret that as all cats are domestic therefore protected from eradication.

    Posts: 24714

    From the research I’ve done it seems there is no such thing as a feral cat just “free ranging” felines. Which brings me to interpret that as all cats are domestic therefore protected from eradication.

    But what does the cat identify as?

    Posts: 3919

    We have an animal shelter two miles from my house, it is constantly overloaded with cats, when they tell folks sorry, we are full, the owners just dump them off anywhere.
    Too bad really as I am sure there are some good kitties in the mix, the rest, well, the coyotes are eating good.

    1. sore-kitty.jpg

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