No chance any are farm cats in my area. I’m in a residential area and I see six or more in a pack leaving the old lady house after feeding time. Leave her house cross the road and into the woods. Then I see them individually or sometimes two or three at a time during the day. I see different ones all the time that’s why I’m guessing a population of fifteen or more. And these are from small kittens to adults.
Feral cats look like they have been living and surviving on the street. They don’t look like the neighbors FiFi. There is not much of a distinction between feral and stray imo. If you are letting fifi out to run all night with the ferals and then come dragging her ass home in the morning I will make no distinction.
If I trap one with a collar and contact info on it I will call you to come and get it with the understanding next time you get no phone call. Most bad behavior or bad things that befall pets can usually be traced back to the owner. As far as it being illegal to dispatch a stray or feral I could find no distinct state law. From what I can tell it is up to the local authorities who have the jurisdiction. Local police or sheriffs as they are the ones responding to any issue. I know a couple of local cops and from what they tell me is as long as I’m not discharging a firearm in city limits do what I need. The cats are a big issue and they are getting calls all the time. There is no local shelter or animal control here. Closest animal shelter is a half hour away and they are not accepting anything and have never accepted ferals in any case. The local authorities consider it a service thinning them out.