Feral Cat Infestation!

  • Ice Cap
    Posts: 2267

    Got the monkeybutts everywhere. Old lady down the block feeds them. I have had several discussions with her but it does no good she just denies even doing it. Today I seen no less than six cats crossing the road leaving her house and going back into the woods. I know there must be at least 15 total that I have seen. I’m in city limits so no discharging of firearms. Believe me I would have thinned them out or fully eradicated them with that method if I could. I can’t leave my garage door open because they go in there looking for food. I came from the house into the garage one day and there were two in the garage. Soon as they seen me they went effing crazy jumping up on work benches knocking $hit over before finally getting out.

    I’ve managed to live trap a few and took them out of town and dispatched them. Now they know what the trap is and avoid it. I really don’t want to use poison because I don’t want to poison something I don’t intend to. I have several out buildings and they get under them and drop litters of kittens. I’ve tried all the tricks of citrus rinds, cayenne pepper spreading bleach around etc. none of which works. My son brings his dogs down once a week or so and they urine everywhere they can smell cat scent but that does not seem to bother them either. Looking for ideas.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    If they’re in my yard and no one is around I pop them with CCI Quiet rounds to the thinking cap. If they’re sneaky, I use a live trap and take them for a nice country ride and then use the quiet rounds.

    Ma was away a few days ago and I was off doing stuff and somehow a feral cat got in the garage and when I shut the door down it must have had a wild time. When I came home and opened the garage it flew out of there a hundred miles an hour. The garage looked like a tornado hit it. Stuff from storage shelves was all over the floor. Stuff stored on top of a couple freezers was on the floor. It took an hour to put everything away and clean up that which was spilled.

    I love cats and dogs but only if they are someone else’s and taken care of. On the lam, cats are nothing to me but a target. And I too have a neighbor lady that thinks she’s doing God’s work by feeding every animal that happens along.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    At least you shouldn’t have a problem with mice?

    Posts: 598

    Just keep using live traps but switch up the bait: cat food, marshmallows with peanut butter on them, tuna, and other tasty’s. Sooner or later they can’t resist. 15 last year for me.

    Posts: 4476

    Once your kids or grandkids start digging cat crap in their sandbox or you kneel in it in your garden. Or its all over your horseshoe pits, you will stop asking ?’s and just take care of it. FYI hope the cat lover has the music cranked up when you stab a pitchfork thru his favorite kitten maker.

    West central MN
    Posts: 305

    I got a pellet gun for that “discreet” work.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2267

    At least you shouldn’t have a problem with mice?

    That’s the thing I’m still trapping mice in the garage! flame I keep hoping some other predators move in. Some owls would be nice. Seen a fox a couple weeks ago but he might have just been passing through. Not sure a fox could handle one of the big Tom’s anyhow. Some of these must have been in some epic battles by the scars I can see on them. Speaking of when they get caught in the garage they spray everywhere when they panic as well. My garage stank for a week. The CCI quiet rounds might be worth a try.

    Posts: 1245

    Live traps work well for me. I use suppressed 22lr but a pellet/bb gun works also when in the trap. I still get mice as well so I don’t think having them around is doing much good. Normally I wouldn’t care if they aren’t damaging things but they get into my covered boat and crap in the kids sandbox.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5897

    Never mind, a little birdy tuned me in.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2101

    Never mind, a little birdy tuned me in.

    send the birdy my way, still thinking what it means…

    Posts: 3944

    Cat lives matter.
    EPG is the pussy whisperer in more ways than one.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13072

    Cat lives matter.
    EPG is the pussy whisperer in more ways than one.

    whistling rotflol rotflol

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    I’ll mirror Jeremy’s sentiments on the cat leavings.

    I have shrews everywhere and have been trapping them all winter… even in the garage. I have mouse traps in the garage because of the bird seed but if I get a mouse, I’d better get it out of the trap before dark or there’ll be little left of it the next morning. There seems to be a never-ending supply of shrews here. With the snow gone now I started setting mouse traps along the foundation walls using hamburger and darned near every trap will have a shrew in it the next morning. I’m talking like ten traps.

    I’m seeing more coon tracks across the garden plots so I know they’re out and about and I really don’t need or want them around. I have bought 6 of the tube traps that are more pet friendly to bait for the coon. They’ll get either a club to the head or a silent round to the same. I’ll be baiting those with tuna so who knows, maybe I’ll get a feral feline too. Or a possum, as they’re another un-needed nuisance.

    Squirrels, rabbits, cats and coon…. the fab 4 for our place. They keep me busy. lol

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    Stray or feral cats are a serious problem in many urban areas, and this thread is an example of it. People need to be responsible for their pets. Keep the cat inside please.

    I pick off every single one I see when I’m upland hunting. I prefer to see pheasants, grouse, quail, and turkeys on the landscape. Not feral cats.

    Good luck with the infestation.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    I’ve been upland hunting since I’ve been a kid. All over the place including multiple states. I’ve never once seen a “feral cat” while hunting.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11130

    I’ll be in San Diego this Thursday looking for feral cats. whistling rotflol

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13072

    doah oh man the claw marks!!!!! bring penicillin!! rotflol

    Posts: 950

    Spray some permethrin in the area they cross. It will help get rid of ticks and … your problem.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    I’ve been upland hunting since I’ve been a kid. All over the place including multiple states. I’ve never once seen a “feral cat” while hunting.

    A scientific study was conducted years ago and concluded that feral cats account for billions of bird deaths every year.

    Yes, billions.

    I shoot every one I see. They are not a natural predator on the landscape, and never should be. They are the direct result of irresponsible pet owners.

    I saw about a dozen this past hunting season. But none were close enough to take out.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    A scientific study was conducted years ago and concluded that feral cats account for billions of bird deaths every year.

    Yes, billions.

    I shoot every one I see. They are not a natural predator on the landscape, and never should be. They are the direct result of irresponsible pet owners.

    I saw about a dozen this past hunting season. But none were close enough to take out.

    You have your experience, I have mine.

    You make it sound like you shoot a cat quite often. Yet, I’ve never seen one while upland hunting.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    I agree that the OP has a crazy cat lady on his hands, and it’s a problem. Some or most of these should probably get whacked.

    But some of you seem to maintain there are armies of these “feral cats” killing every poor critter in their path. Simply not accurate.

    Posts: 666

    My son was with a friend flying a drone near North Oaks, MN. They flew the Drone over an eagle nest. There were so many small pet collars intertwined in the next they could count them. Most were pink, some had rhinestones. Can only hope they were cat collars.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3191

    As gim already said feral cats are by far the biggest killer of birds.

    Posts: 370

    I’ve been upland hunting since I’ve been a kid. All over the place including multiple states. I’ve never once seen a “feral cat” while hunting.

    We shoot a handful every year bird hunting. There’s less now than there used to be but they are still everywhere. In my younger days if we didn’t have anything to do we’d drive around and shoot cats on the backroads just after dark. There were tons of them back then, it was nothing to whack a dozen of them in an outing.

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