Fender bender accident advice

  • crappie55369
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    So yesterday I was grilling in the driveway and enjoying a beer. I look over at my truck and notice this. WTF!! Just made the first payment a few weeks ago. I literally have no idea how this happened. I didn’t hit anyone. The only thing I can think of is my driveway had a large snow pile that I had to drive over for a few weeks. One day there was a big clunk. It was either that or someone hit me in a parking lot. Doesn’t matter….

    My question is do u think I should call my insurance company? I do plan on keeping this truck for a long time and aesthetics don’t really concern me much. What does concern me though is thr potential loss of value in the truck should I ever sell it. On the other side though I don’t want my rates to increase or to have an accident reported against the vehicle. What would you do?

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    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Brand new truck–you bet I’d have it fixed.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17345

    You don’t know how long you will own the truck or if anything else will happen to it. If it doesn’t bother you just leave it be.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8929

    Sorry to hear of the misfortune. There are a lot of options and variables. I’d personally go to a trusted shop and get a quote to fix it before making a real decision.

    There are a few trains of thought regarding insurance. One is “that’s why you pay for it” while the other is “only using it when I absolutely have to.” The likelihood of it impacting your rates has more to do with your past driving and claims history than this one incident alone. If you haven’t made a claim in a decade, I’d be shocked to see it change anything.

    I do not know your personal situation, but I’d likely just pony up the cash and fix it…based on repair estimates versus your deductible.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18726

    The problem if you leave it is that with punctures in the body it could lead to rust down the road.

    Posts: 12697

    It will be pricy they won’t just fix it they will replace the whole piece. I would get it fixed through insurance that is what they are for. If you have a fairly clean record and not much for accidents I doubt it would go up much. If it does then you shop around next year. Just my opinion.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    The problem if you leave it is that with punctures in the body it could lead to rust down the road.

    I thought about that but upon further inspection the bumper is made of aluminum.

    I think I might get a quote from an auto body shop. At the very least I get more information to make a decision. Any recommendations for a good auto body person in the west metro area?

    Posts: 99

    Get it fixed bud, that is a beautiful truck. Unless you have several claims, your rates won’t go up enough to make it a problem. You pay for coverage for years and years and probably never use it.

    Posts: 6615

    Some snow put a hole through the bumper?

    I’m guessing someone backed into you with their ball.

    I’m by no means an insurance expert, but I believe a hit-and-run claim is different than a true collision claim when it comes to your record, even though it’s probably covered by your collision or uninsured motorist.

    New truck….I’d file a police report and a claim in a heartbeat to get it fixed if it’s expensive.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    It will be pricy they won’t just fix it they will replace the whole piece. I would get it fixed through insurance that is what they are for. If you have a fairly clean record and not much for accidents I doubt it would go up much. If it does then you shop around next year. Just my opinion.

    I got into a parking lot accident about 3 years ago. Just a minor fender bender. Only accident I’ve ever been in in my life. Think that’s due to come off my record soon. Unfortunately wife got into an accident around about 3 years ago too.

    20 years of accident free driving prior to the last few years. Guess old age is catching up to us

    Posts: 4790

    Brand new truck, definetly call insurance company and have it fixed.

    That would bug the heck out of me knowing it’s there but that’s just me.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4078

    Brand new truck–you bet I’d have it fixed.

    Brand new truck, definetly call insurance company and have it fixed.

    I’d say go the insurance route or get it fixed on your own Crappie. I’m pretty frugal myself and I know you planned on keeping this forever, but although this sucks, you just got it, you don’t wanna look at that eyesore everyday. Get ‘r done and you’ll be happy and hopefully forget about it.

    Posts: 150

    Aluminum may not rust, but it does corrode. That’s an intrusion point for water and salt and the paint is not gonna like it. Fix it now and you’ll be happier down the road.

    Not that there is any reason for them to find out, but if your making payments the bank is gonna want it fixed too.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21925

    Plastic bumpers or light aluminum ? Seems like a terrible idea. I would let it be till some one actually hits u

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21925

    Text me those pics and truck details.
    My girlfriend runs a body shop that is very good to me.
    I can get a quote on it from them before you turn it in to insurance.
    I’ve hit many snow heaves Bajaing across the lake and never have I seen something like that. I’d guess some one hit you with a reciever ball of some form.

    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 582

    Damn, that sucks! Couple thoughts from my 46 years of buying, trading, swapping lots of vehicles.

    1 – nobody drives a NEW vehicle. They leave the lot they become USED.
    2 – I got so fed up with dealing with this exact issue I stopped repairing them at the time of incidence. Instead I’ve met a very talented auto body tech/artist who “touches them up” when it’s time to sell.
    3 – it’s forced me to only buy used vehicles.

    Applying any or all of these strategies may or may not help prevent a coronary mishap before your time.

    (Can you tell I like nice, clean vehicles?)

    One thing you WON’T change is the way of this world. Go, go, go and F#CK everyone else….

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11039

    I’d be at the Collision Center in a heartbeat getting it fixed. Worry about who pays for it after.
    No way would/could I wake up every morning to look at my truck in that condition.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    thanks for all the feedback fellas. Ron i sent you a text. I think getting an independent quote is a good idea

    Posts: 1202

    As a body tech my advice would be to get an estimate they are free. Then depending what that is compared to your deductible you can decide if you want to turn it in or pay out of pocket. Also if you turn it in there are 2 types of claims, collision (hitting another car or stationary object) and comprehensive( deer hit/hail out of your control) collision can effect your rates where as comp usually won’t. So I would turn it in as a comp claim. Say you hit a turkey. Little animals can do a lot of damage. I have seen $3,500 pheasant hits and just finished a $19k deer hit. With all the safety stuff on new cars theses days it can add up quick.

    Posts: 24524

    That damage had to come from someone hitting you. If it would have been the snow pile in your driveway, it would have tore the airdam off the bottom of the bumper first.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I’d get a quote to fix prior to calling the insurance company. If it’s priced around the deductible amount, fix without contacting insurance.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22877

    Get multiple quotes and decide if the deductible makes sense to pay. I would steer away from the insurance fraud route. crazy

    Posts: 1202

    Get multiple quotes and decide if the deductible makes sense to pay. I would steer away from the insurance fraud route. crazy

    How is that any different than all the people we get that are driving new vehicles then cry about their deductible and how they won’t be able to put food on the table if they have to pay it (yes we got that excuse) and wanting us to cover it or hide it in the repair? Not directing this to op.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    Get multiple quotes and decide if the deductible makes sense to pay. I would steer away from the insurance fraud route. crazy

    How is that any different than all the people we get that are driving new vehicles then cry about their deductible and how they won’t be able to put food on the table if they have to pay it (yes we got that excuse) and wanting us to cover it or hide it in the repair? Not directing this to op.

    You are correct, hiding “extra” into the repair bill is no different. Both methods are insurance fraud.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Well think I’ve decided to take it to Bearcats girls shop and pay out of pocket.

    I’ve also decided I’ll never park anywhere but the very last row in a parking lot. Mrs crappie can complain all the way to the store I don’t care (AND SHE WILL!)

    Dave in Mpls
    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 36

    It’s your truck and your $, but I agree with Stanley – turn it in as a comp claim, which is what it is. No way did a snow pile, even with ice mixed in, cause that. Unless your insurance company absolutely sucks, it won’t effect your rates.
    Once repaired, we’ll take the $ you would have spent to Surfside or the Narrows, have a few, and solve most of the world’s problems!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21925

    Well think I’ve decided to take it to Bearcats girls shop and pay out of pocket.

    I’ve also decided I’ll never park anywhere but the very last row in a parking lot. Mrs crappie can complain all the way to the store I don’t care (AND SHE WILL!)

    They do great work. And you won’t regret that decision.
    I also park in the back of every lot. My mom taught me that since I was young. Ill drop the lady and kids off at the door if needed. People suck.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Too bad you are not closer I do this type of work for dealers all the time around $300 and 3-5 hours you would be back on the road. Been doing this for going on 30 years welding up and painting plastic bumpers and smaller dings like this. Just did two 2021 brand new Nissan`s that got dinged one by there snow plow and the other a mechanic. I am basically a body and paint shop on wheels I go right to the customer vehicle never leaves there lot or home. All my work is equal to or better then a body shop and guaranteed, at about a 1/3 or less then a regular shop..

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