Snack Stick Help???

  • jeweler
    Posts: 543

    Is there a way to stuff snack sticks with a grinder/stuffer without mashing the meat and cheese up? Made some and can not get it to stuff the casings without mashing the meat and the cheese, basically looks like hot dog meat by the time it reaches the casing. Any help??? Thanks.

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 100

    I haven’t found a way yet So I went out and got a stuffer. If you live near me I would be willing to help you out.

    Posts: 543

    Thanks, but I live several hours away. Is the stuffer pretty easy to use or are they a pain? Thanks again.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 49

    Are you looking to have a very course ground stick? If you get it in the casing you may wish you would have made the meat finer. I always at least for the cheese run it through a cube steak machine that your local butcher shop may have on hand. This really helps to keep the cheese small enough to travel into the casing with the meat.

    Are you using a stuffer? or just tring to run it staight through the grinder/mixer into the casing. Pressure stuffers are the easiest to use with a simple leg/or foot peddal to control the speed.

    I guess if someone is offering to help you out take it if they have a nice stuffer. or run to the local meat market and ask them to throw it in there for you.

    just a thought


    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 100

    I have a large vertical stuffer. It has a foot pedal so you step on that and it can go as fast or as slow as you want. I love it. The first year or two I got cheap grinders/stuffers etc but once I decided that I was going to be doing this for the next 20 or 30 years, I got some good machines. The last time I looked at how much money I have invested in this, I almost got sick But I enjoy it and I know what goes into everything I make. Find someone that will let you try out what they have and that way you know what you want to get for yourself.

    Posts: 543

    Thanks guys and its not that I would not want help or to try one it is just that the wife would not be very happy if I were to drive 5+ hours one way to try a stuffing machine. I appreciate the offer but it is just not feasible at the time.
    I am always open to suggestion and appreciate all help and comments. Yeah I am looking to get a coarser meat consistency in the sticks. The high temp cheese I have gotten was already in small chunks ready to go. Thanks again.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    I just use my jerky cannon with the round attachment when doing 10# or less. Works great.

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