canning without a canner

  • chippee
    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    after hearing so many rave about canned venison we are finally going to give it a try this year, we dont have a canner but several of my buddies say they just put the jars in the oven in a pan with an inch or two of water in it and cook it @350-375 degrees for about 3 hrs and it does the same thing, anyone else ever used this method

    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    Let us know how that turns out. I have never heard of that.

    Ellsworth, WI
    Posts: 186

    If you are going to store the jars on the shelf, I would put a little more research into the safety of the ‘oven’ method of canning. You can’t achieve the temperatures needed to kill bacteria in a normal water bath or in the oven. Pressure canner does this with heat and pressure.

    And yes, canned game is tough to beat!

    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    finally got around to trying this over the weekend, some lawrys, liptons onion soup mix, beef bouillion granules, and tallow on top, placed the jars in a cake pan with about 2 in of water and cooked at 360 for three hours, served with taters and gravy, absolutely delicous, when we took them out the lids were domed so I figured they sealed nicely however in the morning we could pop the lids up and down, not being sure if they were safe to store for awhile we ate them up that night, did have to pry the lids off so not having too much experience with canning I dont know if they were sealed and safe to store or not, but it’s a great way to prepare if you are going to eat it in a day or two

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