Favorite way to fish structure for walleyes.

  • bucksndrakes
    Posts: 4

    What do you guys look for in a piece of structure? If you guys are on a flat or a hump what is you’re go to way to start off. Do u sit high on edge of drop off? Half way down? Or low where structure meets the basin of the lake? Pick points inside curves? Just looking to see how different folks approach walleye fishing.

    Francis K
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 840

    Do u sit high on edge of drop off? Half way down? Or low where structure meets the basin of the lake? Pick points inside curves? Just looking to see how different folks approach walleye fishing.


    I go after them until I find them. I’m not a sit, wait and hope guy.

    Posts: 4

    Yeah me too I usually hop around as well. I guess I’m more looking for what do you guys look for before even punching a hole.

    Posts: 117

    I usually find the base of the break near an inside or outside turn and I will start cutting in the shape of a pizza/pie that’s been sliced. this helps me rule out areas and focuse on the segment of the pie that’s producing. the area of the pie will cover the shallow part of the structure as well as off the base of the structure in deeper water.

    Posts: 4

    Awesome idea. I have always drilled holes right on the break following it and another 2 rows on either side of it shallower and deeper and have had pretty good luck. Just trying to get different opinions on where people go to

    Troy Hoernemann
    Nevis mn
    Posts: 163

    I will start out scouting with a maps finding brake lines and points and push ups.I will will give each hole about 15 min. I drill holes on the key spots on structure top and bottom sides such as on a hump 4 in so to speak corners on top side 4 in on bottom side then i will jig with aggressive Bates like rip and raps spoons if i get fish to come in and won’t bite I will drop a dead stick in that hole and continue to aggressively fish the other holes after that I will move on to the next piece of structure looking for active feeding fish at night at the holes that I had the most fish come in to investigate I will go at walleye :30 back and fish finishing up my day there and that is my strategy and that’s what works for me hope that helps

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I like to find the inside turns right where the steep drop off turns into more of a gradual break. Then I drill a few rows covering shallow to deep. I set up a dead stick with a live minnow and jig a Rippin Rap next to it. Has been pretty good to me the last couple years.

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