Favorite tuned up rod for small spoon perch/crappie?

  • @tony6
    Posts: 52

    This subject is probably beat to death,but what’s people favorite extra fast tip tuned up rod that would handle 1/16 spoons for perch/crappie and would that be the same rod for small jiggin raps/#3 rippin raps? I’m in Nd middle of nowhere in Nd no rods here. Thanks

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    You should go straight to the source, Tony. Talk to Adam or John, they’ll tell you everything you need to know and then some! Sounds like a Bullwhip is what you need.

    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    I do not own the Bill whip or the Fusion. That being said I have a QT that I have used for small spoons (1/16 Tingler Spoon) for a number of years and absolutely love it.

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    The Quick Tip and our noodle rods (Bullwhip, Precision Noodle) are our extra fast tipped rods. The Quick tip is a Carbon Fiber “feel” rod and the noodles are fiberglass “visual” rods. If you want to feel the bite, go QT. If you want to see it first, go Bullwhip. I use my Fusion for what you have mentioned, but it is a fast to moderate action tip.

    Mitch Bradshaw
    Hugo, MN
    Posts: 297

    I will use small spoons on my Bullwhip and it handles them well but I mostly use Tungsten jigs up to 5mm for that rod and my applications. I purchased a Fusion last season for small to medium spoon fishing. It doesn’t have as soft of a tip as the BW but fishes and load ups nicely.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Depending on the size of the spoon I have been using the Bull Whip for lighter lures and the QT for the heavier panfish spoons..

    Posts: 52

    Thanks a lot. I’m wanting it for heavier side panfish sooons. I’ve found some small bodies of water with 16” supposedly crappie and verified 16” perch so I’m using small walleye /large panfish stuff. My first time fishing it last sat I caught quite a few 8-11” perch on Crappie fatheads , but the 2 big fish I lost in the hole probably 14”,s hit the only 2 walleye size fatheads I had so gonna try bigger next wknd. I’m proabably gonna start with a 6mm/plastic and 1/8 tingler, and small slab raps ,rippin raps I think I’m goin quick tip. By the website It looks like what I’m looking for is the quick tip or the fusion. I have called tuned up and left message but I’m sure they’re pretty busy. I have a bunch of legend blacks right now with custom spring bobbers I put on that I like for a 2-4 mm tungsten a but too light for the bigger stuff. And have cple st Croix avid med/light but the med light is still pretty stiff.

    Posts: 52

    I just ordered the quick tip

    Posts: 2853

    I would have said QT or Fusion so in my eyes you made a good choice.

    Posts: 52

    Finnaly got to use the quicktip today, it’s perfect for the rippin rap. And also bought the bullwhip for 4,5mm and plastics. Yep they’re awesome. I got a nice 12.75” perch then a school of baby 5” crappies came in and could feel and see the bites still on the quick tip.

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    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    Looking good. No. 3 or 4 Rippin Rap?

    Posts: 52

    Started with r#3 rippin rap but couldn’t get em went to 1/32 spoons.vmc green/gold perch, Vmc green/silver perch and perch forage minnow. I can’t beat 13” yet keep gettin 12 7/8. I can’t figure out how to delete the duplicate pics.

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    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Nice perch! Tell me where and I will come help you get a 13″+!

    Posts: 52

    Sorry for bringing up the infamous 16 incher. Was supposed to see a pic on a tape. Ya these guys on this lake don’t catch em. They’re callin 11”,s big yesterday. lol and I’ve caught 80 perch a wknd and haven’t seen bigger than a 11. Just wanted to say that didn’t wanna be the guys that says people catch 16”,s without a pic on a tape.

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