favorite perch baits

  • avreyprod
    Posts: 6

    my favorite is a rip in rap what are your guys favorite bait to chase them

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    Perch Talker

    Buffalo Fishhead
    Posts: 310

    Does anyone extract an eyeball from the perch they catch and use that on a jig or lure for bait?

    Works well for me. (It is legal in the state where I ice fish.)

    Buffalo Fishhead

    Posts: 6

    i have heard people talk about it and it sounds like it works for them but it’s illegal for me too

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    Crappie minnow below a tip down.

    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    Tingler spoon has worked well for me. 4mm tungsten when they won’t hit the spoon. Both tipped with Spikes.

    Tom Dace
    Posts: 44

    Little joe true spin underneath a tipup. Work the tipups hard and keep moving them until you are locked into a school. Tighten the tipup spread and you’ll be able to see which direction the school is moving. I’ll then hole hop in front of the school waiting for it to arrive with some sort of jig and minnow combination. Usually doesn’t matter much once you are locked into their movements.

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    Perch eyes are legal here in ND,and are a great bait.The nice thing about eyes is they are very durable and several fish can be caught before needing to rebait,nice when the bite goes hot and heavy!!
    As far as baits,when agressive I like an 1/8 rattling spoon with a treble or dropline with a single hook,or a #2 chrome/blue jigging rap.
    When its slower,a small jig with a couple waxies or a small fathead.

    Posts: 138

    black impulse mayfly

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    #3 rippin rap is my go to. If the bite is tough then I’ll switch to a gill pill with some spikes.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1534

    For me, it depends on how they are biting. If its an aggressive bite, then I will use a 1/16oz or 1/8oz buckshot spoon with spikes, it they are finicky, then it is a 4mm or 5mm tungsten with a plastic and spikes

    Posts: 936

    Spikes on a 1/8-1/12-1/16 oz spoon is what I almost always start and I would prefer not to change from that if I can help it. Since I grew up fishing western MN and NE SD where perch are often mixed in with other species, I know from experience everything eats that combo.

    Perch eyes are legal here in ND,and are a great bait.The nice thing about eyes is they are very durable and several fish can be caught before needing to rebait,nice when the bite goes hot and heavy!!

    I feel the same way about perch eyes for bait, I like using them where legal.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    1/12oz Pink UV or Glow Goldfish Tumbler spoon tipped with a glob of spikes/waxies is all a guy needs, imo.

    Perch eyes on Devils lake is a killer bait.

    Posts: 102

    1/16 uv green rattle spoon, 1/8 gold-green slender spoon, #3 chrome perch jigging rap, and a gold 5mm tungsten. One of the four, tipped with red spikes or a minnow head, will catch any perch that swims.

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