Favorite holiday

  • gim
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    What’s your favorite holiday and why? Mine is Thanksgiving and no other holiday is even close. The food, football, and a long 4 day weekend are my primary reasons.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Thanksgiving because the smells in the house always brings me back to my childhood.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    I’m on holiday all the time now. woot waytogo food wise yes Thanksgiving. Well most holidays the food is good. Personally to much drama with holidays so not a fan of any.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    When the kids were little it was too close to call.

    Halloween, decorating, watching the kids hang with friends and run the neighborhood, the pile of candy laying in front of them as they exchange hated treats for favorite ones.

    Christmas morning, the excitement in a childs eye, their hoping for the perfect present, the joy of the moment when they finally get that one gift.

    Now, any day I get to hang with friends and family and not worry about work is a great holiday

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    Deer opener

    Fishing opener in May ain’t bad either

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    T-day through NYE.
    I love the holidays

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Arbor day has always had a soft spot in my heart.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    T-day through NYE.
    I love the holidays

    I love this time of year! Ever since I’ve been a kid this has always been an exciting time of year. Younger days meant Christmas, gatherings, and time off of school. As an adult I don’t get the time off anymore but it brings bigger paychecks and the entire Christmas season is just a blast. I may be a soft nostalgic guy when it comes to this stuff, but I love the days getting dark early and all the Christmas lights coming on. I know it can be hectic with all the gatherings between different sides of family, in-laws, etc., but overall I love all the fun time spent and chances to catch up with other people. I just love this season.

    2nd place would be 4th of July, I love all the Americana surrounding our great country.

    Posts: 138

    Thanksgiving, I like to eat until I can’t move for three hours…

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Picked up a 12′ Frasier fir with the kids yesterday!
    My son in law set up a slick siphon system for water so we don’t have to crawl under it to fill. Super slick!

    1. 20201127_195911.jpg

    Posts: 6687

    Memorial day, cuz I’m killing prairie dogs

    1. 20200522_171112.jpg

    Doug M
    SE SD
    Posts: 279

    Picked up a 12′ Frasier fir with the kids yesterday!
    My son in law set up a slick siphon system for water so we don’t have to crawl under it to fill. Super slick!

    Simply an awesome picture!

    Posts: 2853

    Every holiday that gets me out of work.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    ALL of them! I love holidays and fun traditions and especially Halloween! 😁🎃👻🦇🕸🕷

    Three years ago tonight my late husband and I took our last photos together. It was about 30 minutes before we headed to a Halloween party and I heard Billy rummaging in his closet, suddenly shouting, “I need a costume!!” Now, Billy wasn’t much for dressing up for Halloween and hadn’t done so in years, so I didn’t expect him to wear anything special. But for some reason he wanted to wear a costume at the last minute that year. So we grabbed an old shirt and I wrote on it as pictured. (Both of us being computer nerds and all). He loved it!! And we had a wonderful night together. ☺️📸

    1. Halloween-2019-1.jpg

    2. Halloween-2019-2.jpg

    Posts: 24658

    4th of July because we spend it down in Houston and those Texans know how to celebrate this country! Otherwise no real big fan of any Holiday. My wife HATES Halloween with a passion. Our kids have never really even gone trick or treating, but we live out of town and in a small development so it wouldnt be a big haul anyway.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    especially Halloween!

    I like Halloween too. Christmas is my least favorite.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    He loved it!! And we had a wonderful night together.

    Great memory Sharon, thanks for sharing. You guys really had something special.

    Posts: 3403

    Christmas when the kids were little. Now holidays don’t do much for me other than I get the day off of work.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Not gonna much for holiday festivities this year with my wife’s current situation. But then I’m OK with that.

    A holiday to me is when I get to spend time at the cabin!;👍

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    I loved holidays when I was young. Then I went through a phase where they were just something I tolerated with making things more hectic slowing down progress on things around the house, at work, etc. Now things are starting to come full circle and I really enjoy them again.

    There’s something about the genuine excitement a child has around holidays that is unmatchable. My 2.5 year old would have put up a Christmas tree with the first frost if we let her. She’s already been bombing around the house in her Halloween costume so much that I had to take it away to preserve it. My newborn won’t necessarily be understanding of holidays anytime soon, but I cannot wait for the days when my kids can share the holiday excitement together.

    Probably an addition to the unpopular opinion thread…but if I had to rank one holiday as “overrated”, it’d be Thanksgiving. So many people have pivoted and associate that holiday with shopping, sales, etc. that it’s annoying. Our family doesn’t gather in mass on Thanksgiving the way that we do for Christmas. It’s generally low-key and more work prepping food than anything else.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    So many people have pivoted and associate that holiday with shopping, sales, etc. that it’s annoying.

    I hear ya. I wouldn’t necessarily say its because Thanksgiving is over rated though. Its a direct result of the general public and retail industry pounding Christmas into us too far in advance, and essentially skipping Thanksgiving. Heck, Menards put their holiday crap out in September. That’s why I dislike Christmas lol. Its essentially taken over other holidays that come before it.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Favorite Holiday? Everyday I wake up breathing…on my own. True story.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Halloween. devil

    Posts: 2918

    Thanksgiving is probably #1 – We often host and it’s turned out to be really fun since we’ve finished our basement with a the wet bar and large entertaining space. I like Turkey but LOVE it on Thanksgiving – like a hot dog at a ballgame or a pronto-pup at the State Fair – it just tastes better when it’s supposed to.

    Christmas is probably #2 – I love the way the house looks, smells and feels. Also, I probably take the time to be more grateful, be more conscious of my faith and count my blessings on Christmas. (I should do this all the time, I know)

    4th of July is 3rd – for the obvious reasons. Summer, Cabin, Lake, Family, Food, Drinks and things that go bang.

    Posts: 4362

    I always liked Thanksgiving because there is no expectations. Just eat, have some cocktails and enjoy the day. But you guys are right about the shopping. Hey lets have a normal Thanksgiving but hurry the hell up cause we gotta get to Walmart and Target to save a few bucks on crap we dont need anyway. Just stay here with my dad and the kids, me and my sisters will be back shortly. 5 Hours later. Changed my mind im going Halloween.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    What’s your favorite holiday and why? Mine is Thanksgiving and no other holiday is even close. The food, football, and a long 4 day weekend are my primary reasons.

    Same. Sans the football.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Mine always has been Christmas. Always loved the winter/snow and getting the longer break from school, and Christmas for me is always synonymous with good times growing up. Now that I have young kids Christmas has taken on a new meaning, and there is nothing like watching your kids on Christmas morning.

    Thanksgiving isn’t far behind. Nowadays we usually do dinner with my folks, and I love to cook so doing our share of the dinner while having a beverage and watching football is great.

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