Favorite Cold-front Opener Tactics

  • mnfisherman18
    Posts: 388

    Hey Everyone,

    Looks like we are in for another cold MN walleye opener. What are your guys go-to tactics when it looks like the temp isn’t reaching 50 all weekend? I usually do the typical jig pitching where 1 guy throws a minnow (my dad) and 1 guy throws a plastic (me) around the classic opener spots everyone knows about – inlets, sand/gravel transitions, points etc. focusing on 5-14 FoW.

    We fish around Park Rapids area on many deep clear lakes, and honestly it seems like we never have a ton of success until memorial weekend. Just wondering if I am on the right track… have done some sporadic night time trolling and slip bobbering that has also been hit or miss. Is anyone picking off walleyes on their side imaging like they do on the fishing shows? Hoping this could be a game-changer for me, but expecting tougher fishing with the weather (and past history).

    Thanks in advance for the responses, wishing you all success this weekend!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12337

    I’ve spent a few openers on those PR area clear lakes, and it’s a struggle especially on a cold front in my experience. Personally I’ve switched and just go to Leech as that has been a lot more consistent. I think you have the right idea, slow and steady seems to be the best bet. Trolling cranks slowly real shallow or on the first break is a good way to locate them too.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17285

    Recliner, Diet Dew, remote & recorded shows.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8871

    Steps to successful cold opener:

    1: Make a pot of coffee

    2: Add a healthy pour of Baileys to each cup

    3: Make a hearty breakfast

    4: Continue on honey-do lists or other ongoing projects. Refuel with beer of choice at lunchtime.

    5: Smile while enjoying your beverage of choice knowing you aren’t fighting crowds, cold weather, and can fish many places in the Midwest year-round.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18631

    Recliner, Diet Dew, remote & recorded shows.

    LOL I was going to recommend waiting for better conditions.

    Posts: 5303

    Trolling stickbaits and rapalas at night on clear lakes. Spring and fall go to tactic .

    Rocks and weeds, both good

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12471

    Casting Jerkbaits has been my go to on cold opening weekends. Vary the retrieve speed and pause till you determine what the fish want. I have had far more success casting than trolling

    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 434

    I don’t live anywhere close to the PR area, but you may want to try dark bottom bays and areas adjacent to them. Water may be a little warmer and might attract more baitfish.

    It’s what I do in the southern half of the state in spring and has often times worked well. I let all the boats congregate on points, bars, humps, etc while I go fish large bays with new emerging weeds. That, or look to culvert, ditch or other inlet areas in the evenings if there’s flow.

    Posts: 158

    My go to technique is a small slip bobber, tiny hook, and a crappie minnow. The walleyes will bite if you set it in front of their face and wait them out.

    Posts: 388

    Appreciate all the responses, definitely some good ideas to try. Might head over to leech too if I don’t have any luck around PR, just need to get away from the community spots with 100+ boats.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1771

    leech on a red hook, 6 inches off the bottom. I have the majority of my walleye success on MN opener relative to the rest of the year. Same principal as 39degrees mentions above but I prefer leeches.

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