Favorite addition to ice arsenal?

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  • Ice Cap
    Posts: 2247

    Yep sometimes you just have to know when it’s game over and mother nature wins. This has been one of those years. Mother Nature wins. Period.

    St. Cloud, MN
    Posts: 133

    With the ice season starting to wind down I was wondering what were some things people added to there ice arsenal that they really liked?

    For me one it had to be the 40 Volt Strikemaster. I never thought I would be a battery auger guy, I always carried a gallon of fuel with me on the wheeler. This year I tried it and love it! I don’t see how I can ever go back. No warm up time no smoke, quite as can be and all the power I could need. One of the other things I like, which I have discovered recently in the last few weeks, is when it binds it will kick out instead of just fighting you like a gas auger. And if it really gets stuck you can just back it out.

    Agreed Bryan! Love my 40v. Best piece of ice fishing equipment I own.

    Trevor Hebel
    Roseau, MN
    Posts: 36

    Bought a snowmobile and a digger ice auger mount, makes fishing way more enjoyable for myself being able to run and gun in a snap with the otter cottage and digger ice auger mount. Super slick in my opinion.

    Tom Dace
    Posts: 44

    1) Ditched the Clam Plate and switched to a Kovac Ice Master.

    2) Picked up a 10” bit for my gas auger which had me using my gas auger more than I did a year ago. Bigger hole eliminates the need to drill an extra transducer hole.

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    Why did you switch from the Clam plate to the Kovac?

    Zachary Farrow
    Posts: 7

    I’d have to say it was getting out of my shell and giving plastics a legit chance. I got a DH gillerseeker “feel” rod to match up to my presentation and it’s was a lot of fun. Found myself using that combination more than anything.

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    A Milwaukee fuel a d a 7.5″ kdrill.

    Ryan Schwartz
    Western WI
    Posts: 245

    Picked up a TUCR Bullwhip late this season and only have used it a couple times, but I really like the feel and sensitivity. Very happy with it. After going through a handful of panfish rods in recent years, I should have just got this one from the beginning.

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