Farm Insurance Help

  • Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3534

    My wife has shown dogs for better then 15 plus years in Obedience and Agility.She volunteers 2 days a week at the Humane Society and would foster a dog once in a while to train problem dogs so they could get adopted out.

    Long story short our Insurance rep happen to stop buy and noticed two dogs in the kennel ours and the foster dog. He asked me about the second dog and I told him it was a Foster dog 2 weeks later we received a notice of cancelation of our farm policy. Any one know of any insurance companies that are dog friendly. Just plain sad trying to help out problem dogs and get totally B-tch slapped for doing what is only right.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4145

    Are you sure the two are related? I’m no expert but a rep (and by rep I assume you mean sales rep) is paid on sales and renewals. Why would a rep rat you out without giving you the chance to cure the situation and lose their income in the process.

    Unless he/she felt you had been aware of this provision and had intentionally neglected to follow it.

    There’s got to be more to the story.


    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3534

    He is the insurance agent and had been involved with a bad dog bite incident concerning a little girl. If the dog was ours and not a foster dog there would not of been much he could of done but being we did not own the dog he went off the deep end.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    Sounds like it’s time to shop around. I was with amfam for over 20 years, with the same agent. I had some storm damage and found out that I really didn’t matter. I have auto owners now, I haven’t had any claims so I can’t comment on service after the sale.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11986

    Did the insurance company actually cite some kind of “no foster pets” clause when they cancelled the insurance?

    Obviously, it’s time to get a new insurance company, but I’m just curious as to what they told you about why they cancelled the whole policy.

    Seems to me, the more intelligent response would have been for your agent to have a chat with you and your wife and tell you that the policy does not cover foster pets. I would think there would be some kind of policy add-on that you could have purchased that would have provided additional coverage.

    We’ve had Am Fam for over 20 years and our agent has been very good about helping us to keep up with our changing needs. IMO it’s really the agent and the service that makes or breaks the deal for me.


    Joel VandeKrol
    Ankeny, IA
    Posts: 460

    What kind of dog? The breed means everything when shopping for carriers…

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    Where’s Justin when ya need him?? coffee jerr

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4157

    Sounds like it’s time to shop around. I was with amfam for over 20 years, with the same agent. I had some storm damage and found out that I really didn’t matter. I have auto owners now, I haven’t had any claims so I can’t comment on service after the sale.

    I have Auto Owners for my business and had a couple company vehicle accident claims and hail damage claim. No large rate increases so far. whistling

    Several years ago I had AAA insurance on my home. Had very expensive house fire claim and the next year hail damaged roof. Was cancelled right after that. Had been with them for about 10 years. Started checking for a different company for homeowners insurance and only found 3 out of 22 that would write a policy on my house. 2 of them wanted around $2000 for the premium and 1500 for a deductible. The one I went with was a regional mutual company. Premium was $700 with 500 deductible. Only about $75 more than what I was paying.

    Insurance Co. and agents wonder why a person is so down on them. tongue

    99% of people are honest not sure I could say the same for insurance.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3534

    The dog was a German Sheperd and is one of the dogs on the insurance companies hit list. If you don`t own the dog and you are fostering it or taking care of it for someone on your property our insurance carrier and us personally would be liable for any claims against the dog if something would happen. So basically being it was a Sheperd and on there hit list they could drop us at a moments notice and they did. I did not realize such things existed before this episode dog hit list and cancelation or not even insureing someone because of the type of pet they had.

    Joel VandeKrol
    Ankeny, IA
    Posts: 460

    Take a look at auto owners. They will write GS’s. The problem going forward is the “have you ever had your insurance canceled, denied, non-renewed, etc”….. AO is fairly strict on underwriting as well, but it’s worth a shot.

    There are some captive carriers that dont even ask about those breeds in their application process. Might be worth a look as well.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3891

    Sounds like a great agent…
    Most likely a blessing in disguise. If thats how he treated his customers you don’t want that jack to represent you or anyone else. You may want to spread the word about the service this guy gives his customers.

    Did he even have the balls to let you know you would need additional coverage in person or just coward out and send a letter stating you were dropped?

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1160

    We’ve got several companies through our agency writing farms. Dogs really only seem to be an issue if there is a history of biting. I’m out of town till Monday. Could do some checking if you want after I return.

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