I heard the weather guy on TV say September is the first month of Fall. So, how is fishing for you?
I went out for a short trip on Friday morning. I had to put my starting battery on the charger, which cost me about 20 minutes of fishing that I could have used because the wind came up as I was underway, which wasn’t ideal because where I fished wasn’t really wind-protected. I missed or lost a couple of bites on a buzzbait and a frog. The first bass came on a Jackhammer where I missed a buzzbait bite. I caught a dink and a skinny 17.75″ fish that was just shy of 3lbs on a Hack Attack Jig pitching to rice/pads. I also missed a few bites pitching.
I am about to head out for a short trip this morning and will probably go this evening if the wind lays down.