fall planted clover w/rye

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Was my first time trying a fall clover plot, I usually plant them in spring or frost seed them, but all the experts say to plant in the fall with rye. This is supposed to keep the weeds down and when the rye matures and is cut next summer you are left with a nice clover stand. So far I am extremely impressed with it. I had sprayed the plots with gly in July, then on August 12th I tilled them and broadcast the rye seed 50lbs per acre, cultipacked it, then broadcast 8-10lbs of clover and cultipacked again. Both the rye and clover are coming in very nicely.

    1. clover-and-rye.jpg

    2. elmers-plot.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12176

    Wow! That’s going to be terrific when all the corn and bean fields are harvested and tilled under.

    That rye will be nice and green even under the snow. The deer will be hammering that stuff.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I hope so, this has always been a real popular plot for the deer. I put a cam on it last weekend and am anxious to see pics this weekend when I get up there.

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