Fall Night Bite?

  • bigstorm
    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    Anyone happen to know if there is much of a night bite on Rainy? Going up for for a week on 10/1 staying on the MN side chasing walleyes mostly (with a little time spent on crappies) and was wondering if there is much a night bite for walleyes.

    The water is clearer that most places I fish locally and I’m thinking that the eyes may come up on the points/humps/reefs at night too

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4373

    Never heard of a night bite on Rainy but I don’t think I would want to run around on it after dark very much.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    understandable, I should have been more specific. I was thinking of a few places close to where we are staying (thunderbird) and staying out for an hour or two past sunset. I wasn’t thinking about being out at midnight

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4373

    It us always worth a try. It beats playing cards. Good luck and keep us posted. waytogo

    Posts: 299

    Rainy is a bog stained lake so that being said one would think it would not be as good. I am no guide here and have never tired it so I would go shallow run close to structure or shore and give us a report. It could be good!! Good luck and have fun that is one beautiful lake, one of my favorites.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Rainy is a bog stained lake so that being said one would think it would not be as good. I am no guide here and have never tired it so I would go shallow run close to structure or shore and give us a report. It could be good!! Good luck and have fun that is one beautiful lake, one of my favorites.

    Yes, from what I have heard…Rainy is a bog dark water lake. Although I have not been there (someday hope to) would think that the night bite would not be as advantageous as it would be on a gin clear lake. Dark water like that, the walleyes can be active all day. Here is a photo of a Rainy walleye from last winter that this fellow posted that I thought was indicative of the water (very dark colored). Good example of the quality of fish that can be had up there. Good luck and looking forward to hear how you do. waytogo

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    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1743

    I think I saw a post on FB from Chris Granrud late in July where they went out and fished at night, looking for the post now, but might take some time. I know they caught fish, and the skeeters were bad for a while (typical). It was during July and looks like they were casting plastics which tells me that they were fishing shallow. But that was about all I could glean from his post.


    SW Metro
    Posts: 12553

    We’ve caught some fish off the back of the Houseboat at night up there, but I don’t think it is significantly better (or worse) than during the day. That time of year I would imagine you will have a great daytime bite, so I wouldn’t push my luck. That area (Thunderbird/RLHB), like the rest of the lake, has a ton of structure that comes out of nowhere so even close to “home” running into something at night is a risk. But we’ve caught a lot of eye’s right out from there, as well as further down the lake past the Brule. Good luck and let us know how you do!

    Wayne Daul
    Green Bay, Wi
    Posts: 348

    I’m at Rainy now and it is raining,ha. Anyway fishing has been very good since Monday. Went out at 6:00 a.m. This morning and it was slow had the lake pretty much to our boat and one or two other. However, some locals I know left Thunderbird at 5:30 and came back at 8:30 and caught 12 eaters last evening. So I guess it is pretty good before dark. Of course at the time of the year you are going it will be Dark much earlier. They went all the way just east of Brule narrows. The area just north of the intersection by Sha Sha can be good and that is close to Thunderbird. Personally I hate to waste good bar time so try to catch mine during the day. For the second time this week we have to eat Walleye in order to go fishing the next day.
    Good luck.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    Thanks for the tips guys. I will post a report when we get back

    Deron Eilertson
    Rainy Lake
    Posts: 88


    Some things are better left unsaid… I will say this however,I personally know a handful of guys that have landed many walleyes in the 12 to 14 plus pound range that have been caught after dark. Yes, I said many. Most were released and a couple are on the wall. There is no way to shorten the learning curve. You better be prepared to pay your dues and even then giants will never come easy. Thank goodness. I have caught many after dark here but I am still in search of a 14 plus! I believe there are some absolutely giant walleyes available in certain areas of Rainy Lake right now. Tough to come up for a couple days and put your baits in the right place, at the right time, during the right weather, with the right light, with the right colors, etc…and catch monster walleyes. Sorry, rambling… To answer the question; Yes, you can catch walleyes after dark on Rainy Lake.

    Just my 2 pennies.


    Deron Eilertson
    Rainy Lake
    Posts: 88


    On a side note, I was surprised to see a pic of JB here! Indeed a nice pic. JB caught that puppy while fishing here at Paradise! Maybe this IS JB…not sure…it was a pretty deece couple of days.


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