Fall fishing on rainy

  • bruce anderson
    Posts: 63

    Heading up on the 20th. Any good tips or spots. Were not going into canada. But the rest of the lake is is all open. Was up Labor Day weekend and the reefs were a baron waste land.

    Wayne Daul
    Green Bay, Wi
    Posts: 348

    check out Fox Islands area, troll the break with crawlers / spinners they are in small groups on edge.

    bruce anderson
    Posts: 63

    Thanks Wayne we will check it out.I read all your posts. You must be up there all the time. Lucky you! Hope to see you on the water some day.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    I will be up there in just over 3 weeks. We have been up there in early October 5 or 6 times now, water temps are usually mid 50’s and we have done well on either end of the Brule

    bruce anderson
    Posts: 63

    Well we fished all day fri & sat. It was a long day of movin and not catching. We tried the fox island the fish were there but not biting. We marked fish in numbers almost every were we went just the wrong weekend. We even had shiners, leeches, crawlers,and chubs. Talked to a guy at the dock and like always fishin was awesome 2 days ago.but despite the bad fishin. Had a blast hangin out with friends brothers and cousins! Maybe had a few shastas and a drinky or six. It is always a great time at rainy. Wish it was a longer trip.thanks to all for the tips. The fish were at every tip we got . Was are fault not to capitaliz on it. Stupid weather

    Posts: 3403

    I just got back from Rainy, fished Sunday and Monday. The fishing was slow for us too. The fish were deep and we got our walleyes by pulling cranks with leadcore. We ground it out and got limits and caught quite a few northerns. Lost quite a few cranks in the rocks though.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    Any luck on crappies?

    Posts: 3403

    I never really looked for crappie’s. I did fish near the cribs by grindstone, but just got rock bass there.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    ok thanks, I will post a report when I get back from the trip on 10/7

    Tyler S Wiisanen
    Posts: 7

    JUST A MONTH SHY I just got back from a rainy lake fishing trip with my brother first time this year on rainy and first time ever on rainy in October and the fish was great the northerns was very active and we also caught a few good sized walleye in the northeast bay my brother has all the pics we just got home 3 hours ago my go pro was dead and I dont bring my phone out on the boat me and bros rules luckly my brothers go pro was charged so ill come back and upload pics

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    Commas & periods. grin

    Looking forward to pictures.

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