Fall bite

  • Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Caught one on a Homemade Thunder Chicken the others Tikka minnows

    1. 379453032_2518239975003372_4191735393088500789_n-1.jpg

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    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13432


    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Orange Marabou looks great plus some red flash . You would not believe how many lookers i had versus actual bites! Livescope helps but sure don’t make them bite

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6019

    Great fish AND big xtra points for getting them on jigs you made. Cool

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Great fish AND big xtra points for getting them on jigs you made. Cool

    Yes pretty cool that a guy can make a lure that and catch a quality fish only caught 4 , 3 were 12 inches . That particular jig i made 25 years ago poured with a regular bronze 575 . Had them in a bag of my junk they had a faded white paint job . I repainted them with ProTec and tied them up . I have been tank testing all jigs now . How they look in the water tell way more than looking at a dry jig . I think i was running the tails to long , so i pulled back on the marabou and it tank tested great . Not to say the longer tails would not work ? Thanks for the words Tim

    Walleye Hungry
    Posts: 355

    what area of the state. Im headed to central mn tomorrow to chase them all weekend

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Im in north central Wisconsin , good luck to you !

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