Need help Bull Shoals

  • buzzer
    Garnavillo Iowa
    Posts: 542

    Spring fevor hit me last week so friday a friend and I packed gear up and headed for southern missouri day 1 no fish was 51 degrees and water temp was 40 to 41 degrees spent day vertical jigging with hair jigs one eyes and spoons.
    Came down cause we heard walleye bite was on. Were here for 6 days im not a avid walleye fisherman but tried fishing it like I fish walleys on river back home. We fished every area that looked prime for walleye and crappie today and with no success dam is pushin lot of current down lake. Headed down lake farther tomorrow to find some better structure.
    Has anybody fished this lake and any techniques I should try im lookin for some ideas considering trolling maybe lindy rigging minnows maybe 3 way rigging original rappalas and draging bottom with standup jigs water is super clear its amazing going from back home to and 2 feet of Ice and spring weather down here tonite. Any useful infromation would be gratefuly appreciated.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    I have not fished Bull Shoals but if I were I would try to contact one of the guys from this site. I think the guys name that runs the site is Coyoteewacker or something like that, anyway he is always on the site and will tell you who to contact for help. If I remember correctly they do a lot of trolling down there.

    I hope you find the right information to make your trip a fun one…

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Don’t know where you are right now, bUt Tim over on Norfolk Lake at 101 Grocery and Baits said they were doing the best in Bull Shoals area north of the dam way up by Branson, and that the walleye were prespawn and spawn… either staging by creeks or already moving up in the creeks to spawn. Crankbaits and casting jigs and a minnow have been most effective. Of the two the live bait is apparently best right now. But he said the walleye are probably up in any feeder creek along the way. Hope this helps.. I TALKED TO HIM LESS THAN 2 HOURS AGO

    Posts: 9

    Have you.Tried any other water in Mo.Bagenell Dam Osage river,Truman Dam.I fished those areas for years.Walleyes are a untapped resource in Mo.Plenty to go around.Call Dam Bait and tackle.Warsaw Mo.These folks can help you with some reliable fishing reports,on Truman Lake and Osage river walleye bite or any other bite thats on. on.

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